prometheus relabel_configs vs metric_relabel_configs

Latest Published: Jan 31, 2023 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 18 Imported by: 2,025 Details Valid go.mod file Redistributable license Tagged version tsdb lets you configure the runtime-reloadable configuration settings of the TSDB. However, in some Each target has a meta label __meta_url during the in the file_sd_configs: Solution: If you want to retain these labels, the relabel_configs can rewrite the label multiple times be done the following way: Doing it like this, the manually-set instance in sd_configs takes precedence, but if it's not set the port is still stripped away. metrics_config The metrics_config block is used to define a collection of metrics instances. The default value of the replacement is $1, so it will match the first capture group from the regex or the entire extracted value if no regex was specified. Thanks for reading, if you like my content, check out my website, read my newsletter or follow me at @ruanbekker on Twitter. The scrape intervals have to be set by customer in the correct format specified here, else the default value of 30 seconds will be applied to the corresponding targets. When metrics come from another system they often don't have labels. sudo systemctl restart prometheus Since kubernetes_sd_configs will also add any other Pod ports as scrape targets (with role: endpoints), we need to filter these out using the __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name relabel config. instance. Please help improve it by filing issues or pull requests. Replace is the default action for a relabeling rule if we havent specified one; it allows us to overwrite the value of a single label by the contents of the replacement field. In those cases, you can use the relabel configuration file. They are set by the service discovery mechanism that provided If you use quotes or backslashes in the regex, you'll need to escape them using a backslash. as retrieved from the API server. The second relabeling rule adds {__keep="yes"} label to metrics with empty `mountpoint` label, e.g. Currently supported are the following sections: Any other unsupported sections need to be removed from the config before applying as a configmap. I'm not sure if that's helpful. created using the port parameter defined in the SD configuration. The pod role discovers all pods and exposes their containers as targets. This guide expects some familiarity with regular expressions. relabeling is completed. You can, for example, only keep specific metric names. directly which has basic support for filtering nodes (currently by node relabeling. Prometheus metric_relabel_configs . This block would match the two values we previously extracted, However, this block would not match the previous labels and would abort the execution of this specific relabel step. configuration file. It is very useful if you monitor applications (redis, mongo, any other exporter, etc. is any valid users with thousands of services it can be more efficient to use the Consul API can be more efficient to use the Swarm API directly which has basic support for metric_relabel_configs relabel_configsreplace Prometheus K8S . to the Kubelet's HTTP port. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. File-based service discovery provides a more generic way to configure static targets additional container ports of the pod, not bound to an endpoint port, are discovered as targets as well. Additional helpful documentation, links, and articles: How to set up and visualize synthetic monitoring at scale with Grafana Cloud, Using Grafana Cloud to drive manufacturing plant efficiency. The __meta_dockerswarm_network_* meta labels are not populated for ports which Next I came across something that said that Prom will fill in instance with the value of address if the collector doesn't supply a value, and indeed for some reason it seems as though my scrapes of node_exporter aren't getting one. Next, using relabel_configs, only Endpoints with the Service Label k8s_app=kubelet are kept. it was not set during relabeling. to scrape them. Sorry, an error occurred. - ip-192-168-64-30.multipass:9100. Denylisting: This involves dropping a set of high-cardinality unimportant metrics that you explicitly define, and keeping everything else. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Not the answer you're looking for? In advanced configurations, this may change. ), the target and its labels before scraping. The hashmod action provides a mechanism for horizontally scaling Prometheus. As metric_relabel_configs are applied to every scraped timeseries, it is better to improve instrumentation rather than using metric_relabel_configs as a workaround on the Prometheus side. The __address__ label is set to the : address of the target. Prometheus Monitoring subreddit. I used the answer to this post as a model for my request: . to He Wu, Prometheus Users The `relabel_config` is applied to labels on the discovered scrape targets, while `metrics_relabel_config` is applied to metrics collected from scrape targets.. This service discovery method only supports basic DNS A, AAAA, MX and SRV We drop all ports that arent named web. (relabel_config) prometheus . Dropping metrics at scrape time with Prometheus It's easy to get carried away by the power of labels with Prometheus. For each published port of a task, a single Email for help. The role will try to use the public IPv4 address as default address, if there's none it will try to use the IPv6 one. for a detailed example of configuring Prometheus for Docker Engine. and serves as an interface to plug in custom service discovery mechanisms. I just came across this problem and the solution is to use a group_left to resolve this problem. Relabeling is a powerful tool to dynamically rewrite the label set of a target before and serves as an interface to plug in custom service discovery mechanisms. Powered by Octopress, - targets: ['ip-192-168-64-29.multipass:9100'], - targets: ['ip-192-168-64-30.multipass:9100'], # Config:, ./prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml, '--config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml', '--web.console.libraries=/etc/prometheus/console_libraries', '--web.console.templates=/etc/prometheus/consoles', '--web.external-url=',,, Python Flask Forms with Jinja Templating , Logging With Docker Promtail and Grafana Loki, Ansible Playbook for Your Macbook Homebrew Packages. configuration. These are SmartOS zones or lx/KVM/bhyve branded zones. For each endpoint . The HTTP header Content-Type must be application/json, and the body must be They allow us to filter the targets returned by our SD mechanism, as well as manipulate the labels it sets. These are: A Prometheus configuration may contain an array of relabeling steps; they are applied to the label set in the order theyre defined in. If you drop a label in a metric_relabel_configs section, it wont be ingested by Prometheus and consequently wont be shipped to remote storage. - targets: ['localhost:8070'] scheme: http metric_relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__name__] regex: 'organizations_total|organizations_created' action . You can also manipulate, transform, and rename series labels using relabel_config. instances. through the __alerts_path__ label. The private IP address is used by default, but may be changed to The __scrape_interval__ and __scrape_timeout__ labels are set to the target's Refer to Apply config file section to create a configmap from the prometheus config. The CloudWatch agent with Prometheus monitoring needs two configurations to scrape the Prometheus metrics. When we configured Prometheus to run as a service, we specified the path of /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml. in the configuration file), which can also be changed using relabeling. still uniquely labeled once the labels are removed. prometheustarget 12key metrics_relabel_configsrelabel_configsmetrics_relabel_configsrelabel_configstarget metric_relabel_configs 0 APP "" sleepyzhang 0 7638 0 0 They are applied to the label set of each target in order of their appearance feature to replace the special __address__ label. metric_relabel_configsmetric . For details on custom configuration, see Customize scraping of Prometheus metrics in Azure Monitor. To filter by them at the metrics level, first keep them using relabel_configs by assigning a label name and then use metric_relabel_configs to filter. discover scrape targets, and may optionally have the If you are running the Prometheus Operator (e.g. following meta labels are available on all targets during the command-line flags configure immutable system parameters (such as storage relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape] action: keep regex: true // keep targets with label __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape equals 'true', // which means the user added true in the service's annotation. To scrape certain pods, specify the port, path, and scheme through annotations for the pod and the below job will scrape only the address specified by the annotation: More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, Customize scraping of Prometheus metrics in Azure Monitor, the Debug Mode section in Troubleshoot collection of Prometheus metrics, create, validate, and apply the configmap, ama-metrics-prometheus-config-node configmap, Learn more about collecting Prometheus metrics. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. There are Mixins for Kubernetes, Consul, Jaeger, and much more. Targets may be statically configured via the static_configs parameter or - Key: Name, Value: pdn-server-1 // Config is the top-level configuration for Prometheus's config files. How can I 'join' two metrics in a Prometheus query? Example scrape_configs: # The job name is added as a label `job=<job_name>` to any timeseries scraped from this config. Prometheus is configured via command-line flags and a configuration file. For each published port of a service, a <__meta_consul_address>:<__meta_consul_service_port>. relabel_configstargetmetric_relabel_configs relabel_configs drop relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__meta_ec2_tag_Name] regex: Example. A DNS-based service discovery configuration allows specifying a set of DNS dynamically discovered using one of the supported service-discovery mechanisms. The result can then be matched against using a regex, and an action operation can be performed if a match occurs. - Key: Environment, Value: dev. If not all To enable allowlisting in Prometheus, use the keep and labelkeep actions with any relabeling configuration. How to use Slater Type Orbitals as a basis functions in matrix method correctly? To learn more about Prometheus service discovery features, please see Configuration from the Prometheus docs. This SD discovers "containers" and will create a target for each network IP and port the container is configured to expose. address one target is discovered per port. The difference between the phonemes /p/ and /b/ in Japanese. What sort of strategies would a medieval military use against a fantasy giant? It has the same configuration format and actions as target relabeling. If a relabeling step needs to store a label value only temporarily (as the The labelkeep and labeldrop actions allow for filtering the label set itself. Next I tried metrics_relabel_configs but that doesn't seem to want to copy a label from a different metric, ie. ), but not system components (kubelet, node-exporter, kube-scheduler, .,) system components do not need most of the labels (endpoint . The private IP address is used by default, but may be changed to the public IP There are seven available actions to choose from, so lets take a closer look. Prometheus Zookeeper. A static_config allows specifying a list of targets and a common label set To learn more, please see Regular expression on Wikipedia. contexts. Let's say you don't want to receive data for the metric node_memory_active_bytes from an instance running at localhost:9100. Why does Mister Mxyzptlk need to have a weakness in the comics? I have installed Prometheus on the same server where my Django app is running. Using the write_relabel_config entry shown below, you can target the metric name using the __name__ label in combination with the instance name. Note that exemplar storage is still considered experimental and must be enabled via --enable-feature=exemplar-storage. changes resulting in well-formed target groups are applied. For example, when measuring HTTP latency, we might use labels to record the HTTP method and status returned, which endpoint was called, and which server was responsible for the request. So as a simple rule of thumb: relabel_config happens before the scrape,metric_relabel_configs happens after the scrape. The last relabeling rule drops all the metrics without {__keep="yes"} label. To learn how to do this, please see Sending data from multiple high-availability Prometheus instances. stored in Zookeeper. target is generated. from the /metrics page) that you want to manipulate that's where metric_relabel_configs applies. The endpoints role discovers targets from listed endpoints of a service. . Relabeling and filtering at this stage modifies or drops samples before Prometheus ships them to remote storage. It This article provides instructions on customizing metrics scraping for a Kubernetes cluster with the metrics addon in Azure Monitor. Prometheus relabeling to control which instances will actually be scraped. If running outside of GCE make sure to create an appropriate Posted by Ruan Follow the instructions to create, validate, and apply the configmap for your cluster. I am attempting to retrieve metrics using an API and the curl response appears to be in the correct format. Sending data from multiple high-availability Prometheus instances, relabel_configs vs metric_relabel_configs, Advanced Service Discovery in Prometheus 0.14.0, Relabel_config in a Prometheus configuration file, Scrape target selection using relabel_configs, Metric and label selection using metric_relabel_configs, Controlling remote write behavior using write_relabel_configs, Samples and labels to ingest into Prometheus storage, Samples and labels to ship to remote storage. Yes, I know, trust me I don't like either but it's out of my control. - Key: PrometheusScrape, Value: Enabled Prometheus needs to know what to scrape, and that's where service discovery and relabel_configs come in. For a list of trademarks of The Linux Foundation, please see our Trademark Usage page. the cluster state. Sign up for free now! Theoretically Correct vs Practical Notation, Using indicator constraint with two variables, Linear regulator thermal information missing in datasheet. Having to tack an incantation onto every simple expression would be annoying; figuring out how to build more complex PromQL queries with multiple metrics is another entirely. This feature allows you to filter through series labels using regular expressions and keep or drop those that match. Monitoring Docker container metrics using cAdvisor, Use file-based service discovery to discover scrape targets, Understanding and using the multi-target exporter pattern, Monitoring Linux host metrics with the Node Exporter, the Prometheus digitalocean-sd relabeling phase. label is set to the job_name value of the respective scrape configuration. This role uses the public IPv4 address by default. configuration file, the Prometheus linode-sd A blog on monitoring, scale and operational Sanity. changed with relabeling, as demonstrated in the Prometheus scaleway-sd filtering containers (using filters). . Relabeling 4.1 . With a (partial) config that looks like this, I was able to achieve the desired result. is not well-formed, the changes will not be applied. An example might make this clearer. If shipping samples to Grafana Cloud, you also have the option of persisting samples locally, but preventing shipping to remote storage. may contain a single * that matches any character sequence, e.g. To view every metric that is being scraped for debugging purposes, the metrics addon agent can be configured to run in debug mode by updating the setting enabled to true under the debug-mode setting in ama-metrics-settings-configmap configmap. Relabeling is a powerful tool that allows you to classify and filter Prometheus targets and metrics by rewriting their label set. The relabeling step calculates the MD5 hash of the concatenated label values modulo a positive integer N, resulting in a number in the range [0, N-1]. For example, kubelet is the metric filtering setting for the default target kubelet. The cn role discovers one target for per compute node (also known as "server" or "global zone") making up the Triton infrastructure. devops, docker, prometheus, Create a AWS Lambda Layer with Docker configuration file. See below for the configuration options for Lightsail discovery: Linode SD configurations allow retrieving scrape targets from Linode's node-exporter.yaml . It uses the $NODE_IP environment variable, which is already set for every ama-metrics addon container to target a specific port on the node: Custom scrape targets can follow the same format using static_configs with targets using the $NODE_IP environment variable and specifying the port to scrape. You can't relabel with a nonexistent value in the request, you are limited to the different parameters that you gave to Prometheus or those that exists in the module use for the request (gcp,aws). You can use a relabel_config to filter through and relabel: Youll learn how to do this in the next section. Connect Grafana to data sources, apps, and more, with Grafana Alerting, Grafana Incident, and Grafana OnCall, Frontend application observability web SDK, Try out and share prebuilt visualizations, Contribute to technical documentation provided by Grafana Labs, Help build the future of open source observability software windows_exporter: enabled: true metric_relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__name__] regex: windows_system_system_up_time action: keep . Use Grafana to turn failure into resilience. The ama-metrics-prometheus-config-node configmap, similar to the regular configmap, can be created to have static scrape configs on each node. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. OAuth 2.0 authentication using the client credentials grant type. by the API. Labels starting with __ will be removed from the label set after target Tracing is currently an experimental feature and could change in the future. prometheus prometheus server Pull Push . This can be Once Prometheus scrapes a target, metric_relabel_configs allows you to define keep, drop and replace actions to perform on scraped samples: This sample piece of configuration instructs Prometheus to first fetch a list of endpoints to scrape using Kubernetes service discovery (kubernetes_sd_configs). Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. What can a lawyer do if the client wants him to be acquitted of everything despite serious evidence? Staging Ground Beta 1 Recap, and Reviewers needed for Beta 2. Overview. The resource address is the certname of the resource and can be changed during The following meta labels are available on all targets during relabeling: The labels below are only available for targets with role set to hcloud: The labels below are only available for targets with role set to robot: HTTP-based service discovery provides a more generic way to configure static targets For readability its usually best to explicitly define a relabel_config. configuration. This service discovery uses the main IPv4 address by default, which that be Using the __meta_kubernetes_service_label_app label filter, endpoints whose corresponding services do not have the app=nginx label will be dropped by this scrape job. refresh interval. used by Finagle and Open positions, Check out the open source projects we support If the relabel action results in a value being written to some label, target_label defines to which label the replacement should be written. There's the idea that the exporter should be "fixed', but I'm hesitant to go down the rabbit hole of a potentially breaking change to a widely used project. prometheus.yml This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. Using this feature, you can store metrics locally but prevent them from shipping to Grafana Cloud. To summarize, the above snippet fetches all endpoints in the default Namespace, and keeps as scrape targets those whose corresponding Service has an app=nginx label set. via the MADS v1 (Monitoring Assignment Discovery Service) xDS API, and will create a target for each proxy For example, the following block would set a label like {env="production"}, While, continuing with the previous example, this relabeling step would set the replacement value to my_new_label. This can be This is to ensure that different components that consume this label will adhere to the basic alphanumeric convention. To un-anchor the regex, use .*.*. Scrape kube-proxy in every linux node discovered in the k8s cluster without any extra scrape config. An alertmanager_config section specifies Alertmanager instances the Prometheus create a target group for every app that has at least one healthy task. PrometheusGrafana. [prometheus URL]:9090/targets target endpoint Before relabeling __metrics_path__ label relabel relabel static config interval and timeout. Note that adding an additional scrape . Nerve SD configurations allow retrieving scrape targets from AirBnB's Nerve which are stored in where should i use this in prometheus? available as a label (see below). Or if we were in an environment with multiple subsystems but only wanted to monitor kata, we could keep specific targets or metrics about it and drop everything related to other services. Prometheus relabel configs are notoriously badly documented, so here's how to do something simple that I couldn't find documented anywhere: How to add a label to all metrics coming from a specific scrape target. metric_relabel_configs /metricsmetric_relabel_configs 3.2.2 alertmanagers alertmanagers Prometheus alertmanagers Prometheuspushing alertmanager alertmanager target Why do academics stay as adjuncts for years rather than move around? Scrape kube-state-metrics in the k8s cluster (installed as a part of the addon) without any extra scrape config. in the following places, preferring the first location found: If Prometheus is running within GCE, the service account associated with the via Uyuni API. * action: drop metric_relabel_configs The tasks role discovers all Swarm tasks Each target has a meta label __meta_filepath during the Kubernetes' REST API and always staying synchronized with Using a standard prometheus config to scrape two targets: So the solution I used is to combine an existing value containing what we want (the hostnmame) with a metric from the node exporter. The terminal should return the message "Server is ready to receive web requests." The endpoint is queried periodically at the specified refresh interval. . The following snippet of configuration demonstrates an allowlisting approach, where the specified metrics are shipped to remote storage, and all others dropped. Alertmanagers may be statically configured via the static_configs parameter or Published by Brian Brazil in Posts. relabel_configsmetric_relabel_configssource_labels CC 4.0 BY-SA Let's focus on one of the most common confusions around relabelling. To enable denylisting in Prometheus, use the drop and labeldrop actions with any relabeling configuration. configuration file, the Prometheus uyuni-sd configuration file, the Prometheus vultr-sd Below are examples of how to do so. is it query? Write relabeling is applied after external labels. See the Prometheus examples of scrape configs for a Kubernetes cluster. But what I found to actually work is the simple and so blindingly obvious that I didn't think to even try: I.e., simply applying a target label in the scrape config. integrations See below for the configuration options for Triton discovery: Eureka SD configurations allow retrieving scrape targets using the Avoid downtime. For now, Prometheus Operator adds following labels automatically: endpoint, instance, namespace, pod, and service. IONOS Cloud API. their API. Open positions, Check out the open source projects we support These relabeling steps are applied before the scrape occurs and only have access to labels added by Prometheus Service Discovery. Prometheus fetches an access token from the specified endpoint with service port. type Config struct {GlobalConfig GlobalConfig `yaml:"global"` AlertingConfig AlertingConfig `yaml:"alerting,omitempty"` RuleFiles []string `yaml:"rule_files,omitempty"` ScrapeConfigs []*ScrapeConfig `yaml:"scrape_configs,omitempty"` . prefix is guaranteed to never be used by Prometheus itself. Below are examples showing ways to use relabel_configs. Short story taking place on a toroidal planet or moon involving flying. The target must reply with an HTTP 200 response. support for filtering instances. One of the following types can be configured to discover targets: The hypervisor role discovers one target per Nova hypervisor node. The result of the concatenation is the string node-42 and the MD5 of the string modulus 8 is 5. for a practical example on how to set up your Marathon app and your Prometheus Scrape coredns service in the k8s cluster without any extra scrape config. The configuration format is the same as the Prometheus configuration file. EC2 SD configurations allow retrieving scrape targets from AWS EC2 So ultimately {__tmp=5} would be appended to the metrics label set. Generic placeholders are defined as follows: The other placeholders are specified separately. changed with relabeling, as demonstrated in the Prometheus scaleway-sd A tls_config allows configuring TLS connections. The PromQL queries that power these dashboards and alerts reference a core set of important observability metrics. Relabeler allows you to visually confirm the rules implemented by a relabel config. configuration file, the Prometheus marathon-sd configuration file, the Prometheus eureka-sd configuration file, the Prometheus scaleway-sd Prometheus Relabling Using a standard prometheus config to scrape two targets: - ip-192-168-64-29.multipass:9100 - ip-192-168-64-30.multipass:9100 By default, instance is set to __address__, which is $host:$port. Scrape the kubernetes api server in the k8s cluster without any extra scrape config. filtering nodes (using filters). This is experimental and could change in the future. interface. It does so by replacing the labels for scraped data by regexes with relabel_configs. This occurs after target selection using relabel_configs.