T: 30. Contact: Glen Young 772-214-7980, cardshowpsl@gmail.com, Aug 11-12 FL, Clearwater. Miner (Sikeston). A: Free. A: Free. (exit 260 From I-75), Atlanta 30339. A: $2. SH: 8:30am-2:15 pm. T: 30. Contact Bob Marcus 732-614-8757, June 30-July 2 NJ, Wildwood. T: 85 (sold out). A: Free. Aug 19 GA, McDonough (South Atlanta). Contact: Michael Christopher 804-704-4700 email: TidewaterCardsAndCollectibles@yahoo.com; Site: TidewaterCardsandCollectibles.com, Dec 2 NC, Wilmington. A: Free. T: 175. A: Free. SH: 9am-2pm. March 25 KY, Louisville. Laurel Mall, I-81 Exit 145 on Route 93 South. April 8 NJ, Hasbrouck Heights. Contact Haley Williams 574-252-9463, hbreselling@gmail.com, June 11 IN, Plainfield. Contact: CardcrazySportsLLC@gmail.com, May 20 NC, Hickory. SH: 8:30am-2pm. 9am-4pm. SH: 9am-3pm. A: Free. Sept 9 OH, Hartville. SH: Sat:10am-7pm; Sun 10am-5pm. T: 300 ($50). Miner (Sikeston). SH: 9am-3pm. T: 50. T: 65+. T: 150. June 11 NJ, Bordentown. SHIPFLIP Sportscards and Memorabilia Show, Shippensburg Firefighters Activity Center, 33 W. Orange St, Shippensburg, PA 17257. Emu Cards Collectible Show, Middlesex Elks Lodge, 545 Bound Brook Rd., Middlesex, NJ 08846. 1 55 Ariadne Rd., Dedham, MA 02026. 1 55 Ariadne Rd., Dedham, MA 02026. Contact: Rob Gomberg 732-690-2476, Robg@RKSportsPromotions.com, www.RKSportsPromotions.com, May 21 NJ, Garfield. Contact: Bob Ferri 570-709-1372, Oct 6-8 PA, Wyomissing. The Nona Collects Card Show, 7285 Corner Drive, Orlando, FL 32827 (DriveShack Orlando). Contact: Adam - Greenie Sports Cards 330-486-5159, cardshows@greeniesportscards.com; www.greeniesportscards.com. American Legion, 22 Grove Place, Babylon NY 11702. Contact: Jimmy Cirronella 904-910-3566. Raleigh Toy, Sportscard, Pokemon & Hot Wheels Show, Kerr Scott Building, 1025 Blue Ridge Rd, Raleigh, NC 27607. T: 65 ($50-60, free lunch for dealers). SH: 9:30am-2:30pm. South Mall, 3300 Lehigh St., Allentown, PA 18103, SH: Fri 11am-7pm; Sat: 11am-7pm; Sun: 11am-5pm. SH: Sat. A: Free. The goals of GLCC are to provide not only a venue for collectors, Continue reading Fri 24 Contact: John McGill 615-893-1140, Nov 18 TN, Murfreesboro. Contact: Ron Estes 314-852-4543, estesbrenda@hotmail.com. Contact CNY Promotions Collectorsfest@cnypromotions.com, April 29 NY, Queensbury. A: Free. March 25 NY, Herkimer. Cardboard Promotions Big Sports Card & Autograph Show, Holiday Inn, Rt. SH: Fri-Sat: 11am-8pm; Sun: 11am-6pm. Cardboard Promotions Big Sports Card & Autograph Show, Holiday Inn, Rt. Contact: G. Sipos 732-849-5599, cardscollectibles.com. Holiday Inn Independence,6001 Rockside Rd.,Independence, OH. T: 80 ($60). T: 50. Sept 24 CT, New Britain. Contact: Jeff Mares 440-724-2650, Dec 2 OH, Broadview Heights. A: 9am-10am $5; 10am-2pm free. SH: 10am-4pm. July 22 GA, McDonough (South Atlanta). ($75). SH: 9am-2pm. Contact: Brett Reed ba_reed@comcast.net, Oct 27-29 PA, Springfield. Contact: Jim Daley 678-933-8568; jimdaley64@yahoo.com; facebook.com/pg/GeorgiaCollectibleShows, June 17 GA, Gainesvilile. Contact: Frank Bray (904)387-0260, email: jaxsportscards@aol.com, Nov 4 FL, Port Saint Lucie. T: 50 A: Free. SH: 9am-2pm. T: 12. A: $2 (under 12 free). SH: Fri 3pm-9pm; Sat 10am-9pm; Sun 10am - 5pm. Contact: John McGill 615-893-1140, Dec 2 TN, Murfreesboro. Contact: Ron Estes 314-852-4543, estesbrenda@hotmail.com. T: 50. Contact: Scott Trudell anyshowpromotions@gmail.com 518-857-5778, Oct 14-15 NY, Schenectady. Contact: John McGill 615-893-1140, June 3 TN, Murfreesboro. SH: 9am-3pm. A: Free. SH: 9am-2pm. SH: 8:30am-2:30pm. A: $3 (nder 10 free. Trumbull Cards Show, Trinity Episcopal Church, 1734 Huntington Turnpike, Trumbull, CT 06611. American Legion, 22 Grove Place, Babylon NY 11702. T:60+. Nov 26 CT, New Britain. A: Free. Contact: Dennis Nelvis 301-807-4680 dcollection8@gmail.com, https://www.doughboyzsportscardz.com/show-at-fairfax, Sept 23 VA, Stafford. Contact: John and Mike, premiercardshows@gmail.com, Facebook, Instagram, June 10 WI, Stevens Point. American Singers MUST be entered no later than 9:00PM Friday evening. Sports Card, Pokmon & Collectibles Show, Stafford Building, 3619 Richmond Hwy 127, Stafford, VA 22554. Contact: John Daye 803/261-0099, Sept 22-24 SC, Myrtle Beach. A: $15 (presale); $20 at the door (kids 12 and under free). SH: Sat 12-5 pm. Mary L. Martin Ltd. Volusia County Fairgrounds Talton Exhibit Hall 3150 E New York Ave . 1 55 Ariadne Rd., Dedham, MA 02026. T: 30. Ramada Inn, 1855 S. Church St., Murfreesboro TN 37129. Sports Card & Memorabilia Show, Elks Lodge, 11 Amboy Rd (Exit 7 off NJ Turnpike), Bordentown, NJ 08505. SH: 8:30am-2:30pm. SH: 9am-2pm. T: $35. SH: 9am-2:30 pm. A: $2. T: 50. Fremont Sports Card Show. Cards & Collectibles Show, Garfield Boys & Girls Club, 490 midland ave, Garfield, NJ 07026. SH: 9am-3pm. A: $2 (under 12 free). A: $1. Contact: Brett Reed ba_reed@comcast.net, March 25 PA, Ephrata. T: 100. T: 100 A: Free; Contact: Brian Hurst 828-593-0604, site: statelinesportspromotions.com, April 16 GA, Chamblee. A: $5. SH: 9am-2:30 pm. SH: 9am-2pm. Contact: Mike Leon: 215-359-7789 or sbsportscards1014@aol.com, Sept 24 PA, Wilkes-Barre. SH: Sat 10-5; Sun 10-3. Bay Area Card Show, Banquet Masters, 13355 49th St. N, Clearwater FL 33762. T: 40+ A: Free; Contact: Ken Myers (517) 414-7053, Oct 7 MI, Jackson. Our Cards & Collectibles Buy Sell Trade Expo, Old Bridge Elks Lodge, 67 Old Amboy Road, Old Bridge NJ, 08857. Contact: Jim Daley 678-933-8568; jimdaley64@yahoo.com; facebook.com/pg/GeorgiaCollectibleShows, Sept 17 GA, Chamblee. SH: 9am-4pm. T: 40. Contact: Doug Keating at douglaskeating@gmail.com, June 25 MA, Methuen. Book tables and autograph tickets on ISMPE.com or call Lucas 518-952-5430. A: Free. T: 30 ($50). Contact: Ruben 469-656-1445; dallascardshow.com. A: Free. Contact: Jim Daley 678-933-8568; jimdaley64@yahoo.com; facebook.com/pg/GeorgiaCollectibleShows, Dec 17 GA, Chamblee. SH: 9am-2pm. SH: 9am-2pm. Monroeville Mall, 200 Mall Blvd.,Monroeville, Pa. 15146. T: 70. SH: 7am-1pm. Where: Springfield Oaks County Park, Davisburg. SH: 9am- 3pm T:75 A: free. SH: 10am-4pm. A: Free. Sports Card Show, Bloomington Armory, 3300 West 98th St., Bloomington, Mn. Norwalk Sportscard Show, American Legion Post 12, 60 County St., Norwalk, Ct. 06851. SH: 9am-3pm; T: 50+. A: Free. Contact: Jon OConnor 513-446-8076 jumpin37@yahoo.com, Mar 18 OH, Cincinnati. 178 Second St., Ilion, NY 13357. Contact:Jeff Mares 440-724-2650. A: $15-$90 (10 & under free). April 1 TN, Murfreesboro. Arenac County Fair - July 19-23, 2022, 2392 Airpark Drive, Standish, MI. T: 50. A: $2. SH: 9am-3pm. Collectible Show (Cards, Comics, Toys and Coins), American Legion Post 127, 630 Grassy Hill Road, Orange, CT 06471. T: 75 ($50-100). A: $2. Magnolia Sports Cards Show, Tupelo Furniture Market Building 4, 1879 Coley Road, Tupelo MS. 38801. A: Free. A: Free. Contact: Scott Trudell anyshowpromotions@gmail.com 518-857-5778, Oct 28 NY, Queensbury. Nov 11 KY, Louisville. SH: 9am3pm. SH: 9am-2pm. Contact: Ned Skinnon 860-919-0879, Nskinnon@cox.net, June 3 CT, Enfield. Oct 20 NJ, Old Bridge. Aug 12 NJ, Colts Neck. A: $2. T: 180. SH: 9am-2pm. Contact: Darryl Urban 989-392-5198 or lowspark16@chartermi.net, Aug 5 MI, Jackson. T: 100 ($55). Contact: John DeMorais 860-819-4343. T: 75. 1 55 Ariadne Rd., Dedham, MA 02026. SH: 9 am- 3 pm T:75 A: free. Contact: Steven Rahor 732-682-0680. SH: 9am-2pm. T: 100 ($250 each). April 23 MA, Woburn, The Woburn Weekly Sports Card Show. A: $1. A: Free. March 4 MD, West Ocean City. SH: Mall hours. T: 30 ($50). A: Gen $10, VIP $15. T: 30. T: 75. Dec 17 NJ, Bordentown. Woburn, MA 01801. Contact: Mike Leon: 215-359-7789 or sbsportscards1014@aol.com, June 16-17 PA, Camp Hill. A:$2. A: Free. A: $1. 22525 Ecorse Road Taylor, Michigan 48180. T: 180. Hartville Marketplace Sports Card Show with Tent Expansion, 1289 Edison St NW, Hartville, OH 44632. T: 50. SH: 9am-2pm. J&J Allstar Sportscards Shows, Fishers American Legion #470, 9091 E. 126th Street., Fishers IN 46038. Cincinnati Sports Card Shows, American Legion, 11100 Winton Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio 45218. A: $2. A: Free. A: Free. Contact John 516-234-2637 behindthediamondcards@gmail.com, June 3 NY, Fishkill. The Best Flippin' Card Show, Crowne Plaza Woburn, 15 Middlesex Canal Park Rd. Iconic Collectibles, LLC, Sports Cards and Collectibles Show, Oops Alley Family Entertainment Center, 3721 Highway 90, Pace, FL 32571. . A: Free. May 27 CT, Trumbull. Hickory Toy, Sportscard, Pokemon & Hot Wheels Show, Hickory Metro Convention Center, 1960 13th Ave Dr SE #5186, Hickory, NC 28602. Special Autograph Guests TBA. Contact: Mike Leon: 215-359-7789 or sbsportscards1014@aol.com, July 30 NJ, Garfield. SH: 9am-3pm. A: Free. SH: 9am-3pm. T:48. SH: Fri 3pm-8pm; Sat 9am-3pm. Big changes coming to The National under new management, Top 10 highest-selling sports cards of all time (2022), A look at Ken Kendrick's $100 million collection, How Marshall Fogel amassed one of most valuable collections in hobby, Experts at Mike Baker Authenticated certifying top high-end cards in hobby, Bust & Move Trading Cards and Collectibles Shows | Facebook, How a master carpenter built custom cabinets, cases for collector, Customerservice@housedividedsportscards.com, https://www.facebook.com/Cranstoncardshow/, https://www.doughboyzsportscardz.com/show-at-fairfax. Sports Card Show Grand Rapids MI Feb. 2022 ** Luke Sets Up at Legends Monthly Card Show! SH: 7am-1pm. A free. March 25 TN, Greenfield. Alpena County Fair - August 2022 TBD, 627 S 11th, Alpena, MI. iKARDS CARDS &COLLECTIBLES SHOW, Doubletree by Hilton, 6900 Tower Rd, Denver, CO 80249. Georgia Collectibles Show, Holiday Inn & Suites, 4401 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd, Chamblee GA 30341. T: 80. Cards & Collectibles Show, Garfield Boys & Girls Club, 490 midland ave, Garfield, NJ 07026. T: 80. A: $5. Contact: Rob Gomberg 732-690-2476, Robg@RKSportsPromotions.com, www.RKSportsPromotions.com, Nov 19 NJ, Garfield. Contact: http://www.denvercardshows.com/, May 20 CO, Denver. ESPN Radio presents Front Row Card Show, Tuscany Casino, 255 E. Flamingo Road, Las Vegas, NV 89169. Oct 14 NJ, Colts Neck. T: 60+. April 23, NY, Syracuse. SH: 9am-2pm. T: 200 ($60). SH: Fri: 5-10pm; Sat: 9am-4pm. T: 50. T: 40. SH: 7am-1pm. Sports Card and Non-Sports Card Show, Emidio and Sons Banquet Center, 3204 State Rd., Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223. T: 60, F: $55. Today, we offer the. SH: Fri-Sat 10am-8pm; Sun 12-6pm. Strongsville Best Western Plus, 15471 Royalton Rd., Strongsville, OH. T: 50. Trade night takes place the 24th in the Basketball HOF! Contact: James Ferree 704-498-6753 email: support@sportswaxpromos.com; Site: sportswaxpromotions.com, Nov 19 NC, Clemmons. Contact: Dennis Nelvis 301-807-4680 dcollection8@gmail.com, https://www.doughboyzsportscardz.com/show-at-fairfax, March 11-12 VA, Henrico. SH: 9am-2pm. Raleigh Sports Card, Hobby & Comic Book Show, NC State Fairgrounds, Dorton Arena,1025 Blue Ridge Rd, Raleigh, NC 27607. Contact: Mike 864-237-2932, mikew@wildersideofsports.com, IG Wilder_Side_of_Sports . SH: Thurs: 6-9pm; Fri: 2-8pm; Sat: 10am-6pm; Sun: 10am-4pm. SH: 9am-2pm. T: $45. April 22 VA, Harrisonburg. July 8 Mo. Enfield Sportscard Show, American Legion Hall Post #80, 566 Enfield St ,Rt 5 Enfield Ct 06082. A: Free. T: 90+. T: 40 ($100). SH: Sat: 10am-4pm; Sun: 10am-3pm. A: Free. Contact: William Steinberg 315-263-8700,allstarrules2@aol.com, Sept 9 FL, Palm Coast. T: 65+. T: 40. SH: 10am-4pm (9am VIP). T: 150. SH: 9am-2pm. Contact: Karen or Fred Riso 203-265-1813, kmrfdr@gmail.com, Apr. Strongsville Best Western Plus, 15471 Royalton Rd., Strongsville, OH. SH: 9am-2pm. Magnolia Sports Cards Show, Brandon Public Library, 1975 W Government St, Brandon MS 39047. Contact: Brady Douglas 571-244-2089 E: brady0908@hotmail.com, April 2 IA, Iowa City. Tysons Corner Sports Card, Pokmon & Collectibles Show. Southern Park Mall] 7401 Market St., Boardman, Ohio 44512. SH: 9:30am3pm, T: 110. Sportscards & Collectibles Show, Goldsboro Event Center, 1501 S. Slocumb St., Goldsboro, NC 27530. Contact: Ned Skinnon 860-919-0879, Nskinnon@cox.net, Aug 5 CT, Enfield. Contact Info: Anthony Vece 914-582-2188, brocards@yahoo.com. Sportscard Show, Plainvlle VFW, 7 Northwest Dr., Plainvlle CT 06010. Contact: Glen Young 772-214-7980, cardshowpsl@gmail.com, Sept 2 FL, The Villages. Cardboard Promotions Big Sports Card & Autograph Show, Holiday Inn, Rt. Neil Johnson 812-483-3064, June 3 IN, South Bend. A: Free. McDonough Trading Cards and Collectibles Show, Hilton Garden Inn, 95 Highway 81 (Exit 218). T: $30. SEMO Sportscards Show,Poplar Bluff Elks lodge,6653 hwy 67 N.,Poplar Bluff, Mo. SH: 5-10pm. T: 100. A: Free. T: 175. A: Free. Contact: Karen or Fred Riso 203-265-1813, kmrfdr@gmail.com, June 25 CT, Milford. Contact: Jim Daley 678-933-8568; jimdaley64@yahoo.com; facebook.com/pg/GeorgiaCollectibleShows. A:Free. SH: 9am-1pm. McDonough Trading Cards and Collectibles Show, Hilton Garden Inn, 95 Highway 81 (Exit 218). If you run a card show and want a VLOG as well as a review on the website click here. Contact: Steve Hrusovsky 610-762-2036 email: cardking213@aol.com, May 5-7 PA, Wilkes-Barre. T: 50-62. SH: 9am-2pm. Contact: Adam - Greenie Sports Cards 330-486-5159, cardshows@greeniesportscards.com; www.greeniesportscards.com, Aug 12 OH, Xenia. 2023 Grand Rapids DeVos . SH: 9am-2pm. Sports Card & Memorabilia Show, Salvation Army Community Center, 8853 S. Howell Ave., Oak Creek, WI 53154. Greene County Fairgrounds Expo Center, 120 Fairgrounds Rd., Xenia, OH 45385. Contact: Tony Gordon 773-616-3705, abrandongordon@hotmail.com, www.fatdaddyssports.com, Sept 2 WI, Oak Creek. 2023 Grand Rapids DeVos . Contact: Santos or Tito 408-286-2151, email: worldofsportsmem@yahoo.com, June 24-25 CA, Concord. New Britain Primetime Card Show, VFW Hall, 41 Veterans Dr, New Britain CT 06051. A: $5 kids u12 free. East Bay Sports Cards, Memorabilia and Comic Book Show, Almeida VFW Post 237, 850 Hope St., Bristol RI 02809. SH: 9am-3pm. A: $2.00 Contact Jeremy (617) 835-6562 or Paul (857) 202-7873. T: 40. June 24 KY, Lexington. A: FREE. A: $3 (nder 10 free. A: Free. SWAP NIGHT, Plymouth Area Sports Card and Memorabilia Club, Pease Public Library. T: 50-62. May 19-20, 2023: Orlando Florida: Stamp & Scrapbook (at location TBD). Contact: Jeff Mares 440-724-2650, June 10 OH, Xenia. A: Free. T: 45. Collector Shows. T: 150 ($95). A: $2.00 Contact Jeremy (617) 835-6562 or Paul (857) 202-7873. American Legion, 22 Grove Place, Babylon NY 11702. SH: 9am-2pm. A: Free. Contact: Archie, archcli@att.net, Oct 21 IN, Indianapolis Fishers. SH: 9am-3pm. List events free. SEMO Sportscards Show, Cape Eagles Club,321 N. Spring street,Cape Girardeau, Mo. SH: 9am-4pm. SH: 9am-2pm. Contact: Wes Starkey 540-392-2884 email: wes@swva.net Site: insidepitchpromotions.com, June 10 NC, Salisbury. SH: 8am-4:30pm. A: $3 (kids 12 and under free). SH: 9am-2pm. Contact: Chuck: cjette@roadrunner.com. May 27 GA, McDonough (South Atlanta). Special autograph signers, dealers and more. Contact: CardcrazySportsLLC@gmail.com, April 28-29 NC, Raleigh. A: Free. Contact: Michael Bochar mbochar@gmail.com 914-489-4718, April 8 NY, Kingston. T: 100. 94520. T: 100. Fishtown Card Show, Rivers Casino, 1001 N Delaware Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19125. A: Free. Contact: For information or reservations please contact 302-983-2636, a2zshows1@yahoo.com or www.a2zshows1.com, Dec 17 DE, Wilmington. A: Free. SH: 8:30am-2:30pm. A: Free. Sports Card, Pokmon & Collectibles Show, Comfort Inn University Center, 11180 Fairfax Blvd, Fairfax, VA 22030. T: 60. Sports Card Show, Bloomington Armory, 3300 West 98th St., Bloomington, Mn. 94520. SH: 9am3pm. T: 100. SH: 10am-6pm. T: 40. Contact: Vic Vandreoli@comcast.net 508-265-4440. Jacksonville Sports Cards & Collectibles Show, Ramada Conference Center, 3130 Hartley Rd. A: Free. Auctions By Moldenhauer, LLC Card Show, Fraternal Order Of Police Lodge, 416 US Highway 20., Michigan City, IN 46360. T: 75. ESPN Radio presents Front Row Card Show, Tuscany Casino, 255 E. Flamingo Road, Las Vegas, NV 89169. Syracuse Sports Card & Memorabilia Show, Ramada Inn - Carrier Circle, 6555 Old Collamer Rd. T: 80. A: Free. March 25-26 LA, Shreveport. SH: 9am-3pm. Contact: 203-879-1690, ftownsend@snet.net, April 9 CT, Orange. A: $2. Schenectady Sports Card & Memorabilia Show, VIAPORT Rotterdam, 93 W. Campbell Rd., Schenectady, NY 12306. SH: 9am-2pm. The Woodlands Resort, 1073 Highway 315. Twitter & Instagram: @MHCARDSHOW, Facebook: MACHINISTS HALL SPORTS CARDS & COLLECTIBLES, June 3 Mo. . Jeremiah Trotter will sign autographs. Aug 19 CA, Auburn. T: 100. S&B Sports Promotions Sports Card & Memorabilia Show, Moorestown Mall, 400 W. Rt. J&J Allstar Sportscards Shows, Fishers American Legion #470, 9091 E. 126th Street., Fishers IN 46038. New Britain Primetime Card Show, VFW Hall, 41 Veterans Dr, New Britain CT 06051. A: $10 early bird; $5 general. T: 30. A: $3 (12 & under free). Just a hop, skip, and a jump (and perhaps a slide if it's icy. ) Contact: Mike Barnes 330-417-1400, buckeyesportcards@gmail.com, March 12 OH, Cuyahoga Falls. SH: 9am.-4pm. Collectors Corner Sportscards Show, Citadel Mall. Magnolia Sports Cards Show, Tupelo Furniture Market Building 4, 1879 Coley Road, Tupelo MS. 38801. Greene County Fairgrounds Expo Center, 120 Fairgrounds Rd., Xenia, OH 45385. Collectorcon Card Show, New Jersey Convention & Exposition Center, 97 Sunfield Ave., Edison, NJ 08837. Norwalk Sportscard Show, American Legion Post 12, 60 County St., Norwalk, Ct. 06851. T: 60. Contact: Rob Gomberg 732-690-2476, Robg@RKSportsPromotions.com, www.RKSportsPromotions.com, Dec 17 NJ, Garfield. A:$2. Contact: Joshua tangibleinvestmentmanagers@yahoo.com. SEMO Sportscards Show,Miner Convention center,2610 E. Malone Ave,Miner, Mo 63801. A: $5-$10. Contact: Mike Barnes 330-417-1400, buckeyesportcards@gmail.com, Aug 19 OH, Cincinnati. SH: 9am-2pm. Contact: Santos or Tito 408-286-2151, email: worldofsportsmem@yahoo.com, March 4 CO, Denver. Schenectady Sports Card & Memorabilia Show, VIAPORT Rotterdam, 93 W. Campbell Rd., Schenectady, NY 12306. T: 100. A: $3 (nder 10 free. SH: FRI: 4pm-8pm SAT: 10am-5pm SUN: 11am-4pm. Aug 26 CT, Trumbull. A: $2. May 19 NJ, Old Bridge. Plainfield Sports & non sports card show, Fraternal Order of Eagles, 5556 E US Highway 40, Plainfield, IN 46168. SH: 9am-2pm, T: 30+, A: $2. A:Free. Address: Scottsboro Goose Pond Civic Center, 1165 Ed Hembree Dr, Scottsboro, AL 35769, Address: Four Points Hotel, 211 SE Walton Blvd., Bentonville, AR, Time: Friday: 11am-7pm, Saturday: 9am-5pm, Address: 1515 S. Sunkist St. Anaheim, CA 92806, Address: Howard Johnson Hotel 222 S. Houston Ave. Fullerton , CA 92832, Address: American Legion Post 127, 630 Grassy Hill Road, Orange, CT 06471, Address: VFW Hall, 7 Northwest Dr., Plainville, CT, 06062, Address: Trinity Episcopal Church, 1734 Huntington Turnpike, Trumbull, CT 0661, Address: Milford Elks Lodge, 124 New Haven Ave. Milford, CT 06460, Address: Fearless Cards Toys & Collectibles 3 Turkey Hills Road East Granby, CT 06026, Address: American Legion Hall, 566 Enfield St, Enfield, CT 06082, Address: Chambers Memorial Hall, Wilmington, DE, Address: Doubletree Hotel by Hilton Tampa Airport, 4500 W. Cypress St. Tampa, FL 33607, Address: American Legion Hall, 807 Louisiana Ave., Sebastian, FL, Address: Banquet Masters, 13355 49th St. N, Clearwater, FL 33762, Address:Showtime ports Cards,9365 Philips Hwy, Jacksonville, FL, Address: American Polish Club, 4725 Lake Worth Rd, Greenacres FL 33463, Address: Bahia Shrine Center,3101 E Semoran Blvd, Apopka, FL 32703, Address: Ramada Conference Center, 3130 Hartley Rd., Jacksonville, FL, Address: Manatee County Fairgrounds, 1402 14th Avenue W, Palmetto, FL 34221, Time: Friday: 2pm-8pm Saturday: 9am-5:00pm Sunday: 9am-4:00pm, Address: 71 Mid Cape Terrace, Cape Coral, FL 33991, Time: Saturday: 10am-3:00pm Sunday: 10am-3:00pm, Address: Brave Court Gym, 1300 SW 87th Ave., Miami, FL, Address: Hilton Garden Inn, 3045 Windy Hill Rd., Marietta, GA 30339, Address: Doubletree by Hilton Hotel Augusta, 2651 Perimeter Pkwy, Augusta, GA 30909, Address: Peru Mall, Route 251, Peru, IL 61354, Address: 700 Broadway East, Mattoon, IL 61938, Time: Saturday: 10:00am-9:00pm Sunday: 12:00pm-5:00pm, Address: 7850 S Quincy St., Willowbrook, IL 60527, Address: 303 S Depot Street Brazil, IN 47834, Time: Saturday: 9am-5pm Sunday: 9am-5pm, Address: 356 E County Rd 50 S, Dugger, Indiana 47848, Time: Friday: 4:00-8:00 PM Saturday: 8:00am-5:00pm, Address: Washington Square Mall, 4800 S. Green River Road, Evansville, IN 47715, Time: Friday: 10:00 AM-85:00 PM Saturday: 9:00am-5:00pm Sunday: 12:00-4:00pm, Address: Fraternal Order of Eagles 5556 E US 40 Plainfield, Indiana 46168, Address: Trinity United Methodist Church, 425 S. Michigan St, Plymouth, IN 46563, Address: Events Center, 730 3rd St., Des Moines, IA 50309, Time: Friday: 3-8pm, Saturday: 10am-7pm, Sunday: 11 am-5 pm, Address: Traders Mall, 6900 Benton Road, Paducah, KY, Address: Elks Lodge #2266, 878 Stevenson Road Severn, MD, Address: Crowne Plaza Boston Woburn, 15 Middlesex Canal Park Rd, Woburn, MA 01801, Address: Legends Event Center, 3534 Lake Eastbrook Blvd, Grand Rapids, MI. Sports Card Coin & Collectibles Show, Colts Neck Firehouse, 50 Conover Road, Colts Neck, NJ, 07722. A: Free. Find a Show; About; Post Show; Join/Login; Car Show Radar; Find a Show; Register; Post a Show; Off the Radar (blog) About Us; Contact; Login; . A: Free. T: 35. A: $5. A:$2. Coach Estes Sports Cards Show, Machinists Hall, 12365 St. Charles Rock Road, St. Louis, MO 63044. A: $2. T: 20+. T: 65. SH: 8:30am-2pm. SH: Fri & Sat 10am-8pm; Sun 12-5pm. SH: 9am-2pm. Cardboard Promotions Big Sports Card & Autograph Show, Holiday Inn, Rt. Fishkill Saturday Sportscard and Memorabilia Show, Trinity Episcopal Church, 5 Elm Street (next to Taco Bell), Fishkill, NY, 12524. SH: Sat: 10am-4pm. SH: 9am3pm. A: $5. Sports Card Coin & Collectibles Show, Colts Neck Firehouse, 50 Conover Road, Colts Neck, NJ, 07722. 2023 Active Interest Media All rights reserved. SH: Fri: 3pm-8pm; Sat: 10am-6pm; Sun: 10am-5pm. Cardboard Promotions Big Sports Card & Autograph Show, Holiday Inn, Rt. S&B Sports Promotions Sports Card & Memorabilia Show, Willow Grove Mall, 2500 W. Moreland Road Willow Grove, PA. 19090. Contact: Dave Bonde, 651-338-1539. dandcbonde@charter.net. Mar 4th - 5th, 2023. (exit 260 From I-75), Atlanta 30339. T: $59. A: Free. A: $5. Plainfield Sports & non sports card show, Fraternal Order of Eagles, 5556 E US Highway 40, Plainfield, IN 46168. SH: Thurs: 6-9pm; Fri: 2-8pm; Sat: 10am-6pm; Sun: 10am-4pm. Oct 15 CT, Norwalk. SH: Sat: 9am-5pm; Sun: 8:30am-2:30pm. T: 40. T: 65+. A free. A: $3. By SCD staff Feb 27, 2023. A: $1. SH: Fri 3pm-8pm; Sat 9am-3pm. A: $5 kids u12 free. Hobby News. The Green Bay Card Show, KI Convention Center, Ballroom A, 333 Main St. Green Bay, WI. SH: 9am3pm. T: 50 ($100). Nov 11 TX, Austin. A: Free. Contact: http://www.denvercardshows.com/, Dec 16-17 CO, Denver. Contact: Website: cvcshow.cominstagram: cvc_show. T: 60. Collectorsfest #89 Sports Cards and Memorabilia Show, NYS Fairgrounds, 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, NY. ($75). A: Free. S&B Sports Promotions Sports Card & Memorabilia Show, Springfield Mall, 1250 Baltimore Pike, Springfield, PA. 19064. Contact: Alix Langlais 860-729-8408 idealcards14@aol.com, Nov 12 CT, Orange. SH: 8am-2pm. S&B Sports Promotions Sports Card & Memorabilia Show, Moorestown Mall, 400 W. Rt. SH: 9am-2pm. Contact: cincinnatisportscards.com - cincinnatisportscards@yahoo.com, July 16 OH, Cincinnati. A: Free. Clawson, Michigan | 8/7/2022 08:00 am to 8/7/2022 03:00 pm . T: 30. A: Free. SH: 10am-3pm. Bay Area Card Show, Banquet Masters, 13355 49th St. N, Clearwater FL 33762. Apr 15th - 16th, 2022. If there are any shows that are not listed here, please notify us @ breakoutsports3@gmail.com and we would be more than happy to include them in our video! T: 700+. Special Autograph Guests TBA. Contact: Daniel TheFlipTradeShow@Gmail.com, June 17 AL, Scottsboro. Contact: Clay Winn claywinn32@yahoo.com. T: 45. Plainfield card show part "2", Fraternal Order of Eagles, 5556 E US Highway 40, Plainfield, IN 46168. Contact: Kyle 917-745-2382 or Facebook Bay Area Card Show, Nov 11 FL, Palm Coast. Collectibles on College Arizona State Card Show, Phoenix Convention Center, 100 N. 3rd Street, Phoenix, AZ 85004. Ramada Inn, 1855 S. Church St., Murfreesboro TN 37129. March 18 TN, Dyersburg. Jacksonville, FL. Sportscards & Collectibles Show, Jacksonville Mall, 375 Western Blvd., Jacksonville, NC 28546. A: $1. Emu Cards Collectible Show, Middlesex Elks Lodge, 545 Bound Brook Rd., Middlesex, NJ 08846. Trumbull Cards Show, Trinity Episcopal Church, 1734 Huntington Turnpike, Trumbull, CT 06611. Contact: Bob "Pops" Woodward 727-678-0976 (call or text); Facebook: Nature Coast Sports Card, Memorabilia & Collectibles Show, April 29-30 FL, Panama City Beach. T: 30. Independence Field House, City Campus, Independence, OH 44147. SH: 9am-3pm. Ramada Hotel, 3400 S. I-10 Service Rd,Metairie, LA 70001. Sports Card Show, Colts Neck Firehouse, 50 Conover Road, Colts Neck, NJ 07722. Browse 2021 baseball card shows in the USA by State! Early birds $5 at 9am ****Disclaimer**** Contact: cincinnatisportscards.com - cincinnatisportscards@yahoo.com, Nov 11 OH, Hartville. SH: 8:30 am-2:30pm. T: 700+. Contact: Mike Merecka 845-430-6631, June 25 NY, Albany. Contact: Steve Westerson 916-704-3865; sacramentosportscardshows@gmail.com. A: $15-$90 (10 & under free). A: Free. May 13 NJ, Colts Neck. A: $5. East Cobb Sports Collectibles Show, Hilton Garden Inn, 3045 Windy Hill Rd. A; Free. A: $3. Celebrating 10 years dial-up free! Contact: Dennis Nelvis 301-807-4680 dcollection8@gmail.com, https://www.doughboyzsportscardz.com, March 25 VA, Chesapeake. T: 30. Sports Card Show, Bloomington Armory, 3300 West 98th St., Bloomington, Mn. Fredericksburg Sports Card, Pokmon & Collectibles Show. Sports Card and Coin Show, Queensbury VF32, Luzerne Rd., Queensbury, NY 12804. Jacksonville, FL. SH: Fri and Sat 10am-8pm; Sunday 11am-6pm. Iowa City Card & Collectibles Show, Johnson County Fairgrounds Building C, 4261 Oak Crest Hill Rd SE, Iowa City, IA 52246. Contact: John McGill 615-893-1140, Oct 21 TN, Murfreesboro. SH: Sat: 9am-2pm. Salisbury Toy, Sportscard, Pokemon & Hot Wheels Show, West End Plaza Event Center, 1935 Jake Alexander Blvd W, Salisbury, NC 28147. SH: Sat 9am-4pm;. SH: Fri and Sat 10am-8pm; Sun 11am-6pm. Portsmouth Moose Lodge #898 1400 George Washington Hwy N Chesapeake, VA 23323. CONTACT: www.iKARDSUSA.com, Also See: A look at Ken Kendrick's $100 million collection, March 4 CT, Enfield. A: Free. SH: 9am-3pm. A: Free. East Bay Sports Cards, Memorabilia and Comic Book Show, Almeida VFW Post 237, 850 Hope St., Bristol RI 02809. SH: 9am-3pm. Sports Card Coin & Collectibles Show, Colts Neck Firehouse, 50 Conover Road, Colts Neck, NJ, 07722. SH: 9am-2pm. T: 30. Contact: Mike Barnes 330-417-1400, buckeyesportcards@gmail.com, June 17 OH, Cincinnati. Past Dates. A:$2. SH: 9am-4pm. SH:9am-4pm. Gem City Sports Card Shows, Leo Cardenas Appearing 11-1 pm, Holiday Inn Fairborn 2800 Presidential Dr., Fairborn, Ohio 45324. Contact: Jeff Mares 440-724-2650, Sept 17 OH, Cuyahoga Falls. Ramada Inn, 1855 S. Church St., Murfreesboro TN 37129. SH: 9am-3pm. T: 150. Enfield Sportscard Show, American Legion Hall Post #80, 566 Enfield St ,Rt 5 Enfield Ct 06082. ! South Bend Sports & Trading Card Show, American Legion Post 357, 5414 W Sample Street, South Bend, IN 46619. Cape Girardeau. Royal Oak, MI. T:80 ($45-$40). The Orlando Card Show at The Bahia Shrine, 3101 E. Semoran Blvd, Apopka, FlL 32703. A: $10 ( under 12 Free). T: 35. East Cobb Sports Collectibles Show, Hilton Garden Inn, 3045 Windy Hill Rd. T: 65 ($60). T: 65+. A: $1. Contact: Brett Reed ba_reed@comcast.net, April 8 PA, Selinsgrove. A: FREE. A: $5 (17 & Under Free). A: Free. SH: Fri-Sat 10am-9pm; Sun 11am-4pm. T: 65 ($50-60, free lunch for dealers). A: Free. A: $5 (17 & Under Free). SH: Sat. Scottsboro Sports Card & Memorabilia Show, Goose Pond Civic Center, 1165 Ed Hembree Dr., Scottsboro, AL 35769. T: 80. T: 80. Dallas Card Show, Marriott Dallas Allen Hotel & Convention Center, 777 Watters Creek Blvd., Allen TX 75013. Norwalk Sportscard Show, American Legion Post 12, 60 County St., Norwalk, Ct. 06851. A: Free. Contact: Nick Shoff 301-318-4464 or pnshoff@aol.com; shoffpromotions.com, March 26 VA, Annandale. Friday: 2pm-8pm Saturday: 9am-5:00pm Sunday: 9am-4:00pm, Saturday: 10am-3:00pm Sunday: 10am-3:00pm, Saturday: 10:00am-9:00pm Sunday: 12:00pm-5:00pm, Friday: 4:00-8:00 PM Saturday: 8:00am-5:00pm, Friday: 10:00 AM-85:00 PM Saturday: 9:00am-5:00pm Sunday: 12:00-4:00pm, Friday: 3-8pm, Saturday: 10am-7pm, Sunday: 11 am-5 pm, Saturday: 10:00am-6:00pm Sunday 12:00-5:00pm, Saturday: 9:00am-5:00pm Sunday 10:00am-3:00pm, Friday: 10:00am-8:00pm Saturday: 10:00am-8:00pm Sunday: 11:00am-4:00pm, Hinds Community College, Clyde Muse Center 515 Country PL PKWY. Contact: Karen or Fred Riso PH: 203-265-1813, Email: kmrfdr@gmail.com. T: 50. Contact: Ned Skinnon 860-919-0879, Nskinnon@cox.net. April 22 GA, McDonough (South Atlanta). A: Free. Dallas Card Show, Marriott Dallas Allen Hotel & Convention Center, 777 Watters Creek Blvd., Allen TX 75013.