As an additional bonus, and to add potential fireworks to the top of the field, the winner of each stage earns a point he takes with him to the playoffs, assuming he makes the postseason roster. Umbrellas aren’t allowed in the grandstands because they get in the way of other fans’ views of the track.

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    Do dress for the weather. Telemetry: Data detailing key functions of a race car such as RPM. Those adjustments, obviously, cannot be done on the track itself. Placed between the base of the carburetor and the engine's intake manifold, it is used to reduce horsepower and keep speeds down. The two times Xfinity champion drove for some of the best Cup and Xfinity series teams in NASCAR and produced some stellar runs. Green Track Adjective. This bolt raises or lowers the post that supports the spring [source: Demere]. You wouldn’t believe the number of fans who are taken to the hospital with heat stroke or exhaustion on a hot Sunday race day.

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    Do pack food if you don’t want to spend money on concessions.

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    Don’t bring any glass containers into the grandstands.

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    Don’t bring any coolers that are bigger than 14 x 14 x 14 inches.

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