A new Health mutation! #2. Let assume it was also a male and you mate him back with a clean female (0/40 Markers) and get the following baby: Awesome! I mean, if you think about it, imagine you have a mother and father which are the same level, but every individual stat is different. The 2nd screenshot lists out: if you breed them together, the mutation counter will double without actually receiving a new mutation. once the desired number of mutations are achieved the lines can be cross bred. Thanks. Why here Ark mobile breeding become vague because on other other formats (PC, Xbox, etc.) but you have far more patience than me doing it at official rates. Baby Griffins prefer to be secure to feel safe. One of the most effective ways to do that is through breeding. Step 3: If the offspring has the desired mutation and is a male, it replaces the Base Male Breeder. (Or maybe I am, I'm bad to explain things or understand them) You don't want to have all your stats together. it can be oil cave, bear cave or ice cave, aberation caves Home News To get mutations follow these steps: 1.craft some turrets (if pvp) and takeover a good breeding area. Similarly, their offspring will only eat raw fish meat until reaching adulthood. I think. Argies prefer Stego Kibble). These seemingly useless finned creatures are actually one of the best sources of insulation in the entire game. say you have 1 rex with 45 points in health, but only 20 point in melee and another rex with 20 points in health but 45 in melee. then if you want to go beyond that, you can breed for mutations. That means looking for a dino between levels150-160 to tame with max effectivness, in order to get a dino at 225-240 level. Can the mutated color be the same as the original color? Some babies require special caring. It is that if both parent have 20 out of 20 mutations (which were unable to see on mobile) no further mutations possible. Ok dude, you know what you're talking about lol. Drag the kibble from the inventory of the cooking pot to your inventory. As it is, that rex went from millions of levels in a single stat to, at most, 158 levels. Like i said before, the mutation counter is just a counter. Breeding for color Such a super creature needs to look colorful too. So Now I have three rexes each one has 20 markers/mutations in their respected stat. With the release of Genesis: Part 2, the introduction of the Egg Incubator (Genesis: Part 2) allows for yet another way to incubate eggs. Failure to do so could result in starvation to death. Note - previous writeup said that only Patrilinial number matterd for fathers, and only Matrilineal number mattered for mothers, but this is contradicted by the code. Search: Ark What Do Featherlights Eat After Tame. If there was a variable length cap, then it would alter the stats in 1 of 3 different ways: 1: Capping any overflow at the maximum value (The most expected outcome in this scenario): 255 levels in every overflowed stat, 2: Dropping overflowed digits (Typically from the high side, though possible from the low side of the number): Oxygen would be either 17 levels (low side dropped) or 07 levels (high side dropped), 3: Overflowing repeatedly until it no longer overflows with the remainder being the final number. Only a single player can imprint a newborn baby (whoever claims it first). the mutations themselves permanently alter the wild points in a stat. To get the value of the melee damage of the offspring, we calculate it like before, but this time we use a taming effectiveness of 100% (this is the way the game gives you another bonus if you breed creatures). I'll also be doing this in the other two stats I am interested in from prior example of wanting HP, Stam, and Melee. For example, if you have a Male Rex with 37 points in HP and 24 points in Melee, and a Female Rex with 31 points in HP and 45 points in Melee, you can breed them together and you have a 55% chance for each stat to roll in favor of the higher stat on the babies to get the 37 HP AND 45 Melee. Watched many youtube videos, read other threads but I guess somewhere between stuff changing in the game over the years, not taking it serious until recently, and/or I may just be dumb it's just not clicked, still confused by this. The best method to ensure eggs are at an appropriate temperature for incubation is through insulation. Only stats which can be leveled up for the species will be selected. Assume for example, that one (highly unusual) parent has only leveled up in Health 40 levels and nothing else, while the other parent leveled up only in weight 30 levels. By In this way, you can achieve mass breeding in an area without ever building a pen, or moving creatures. They can eat any type of seeds when babies and when fully grown. For most dinos, you want to maximize health and damage, but there are other stats you may want high also. At the beginning of the game, when the Air Conditioner or Dimetrodon are not yet available, use a heat source to regulate the egg's temperature. In this video I breed some mutations up, if you guys would like another video like this let me know in the comments or if you would like a mutation video abo. Could a low level creature with 3 mutation in a stat used to transfer these mutations on a high level creature to increase its stat-values? Emma Thorne Drugs used to target HER2-positive invasive breast cancer may also be successful in treating women in the first stages of the disease, researchers at The University of As you can see, every doubling of mutations moves the 1 left. I was wondering why my wild tamed male argy wont breed with my wild tamed female on the female has can mate trying to figure out why the male doesnt. If your pet has 1 mutation, in binary he has 00000001 mutations. The probability for at least one mutation in an offspring whose parents each have more than 20 mutations is 0%.[1]. separate lines is better. See Sterile Creatures for more information. Here is an example showing some possible mutation counter results for Mutated and non-Mutated babies: Because the mutation count is stored as a signed 32-bit integer it's possible that mutation counters will be expressed as a negative number. Thanks again. Males can mate at any time. For further insights see the External links section. Let's only look at the melee damage of a pair of Raptors. Since temperature gradients can be very extreme between regions, easily reaching 20C or more, you can try and find a nearby biome where the temperature is closer to the eggs' ideal point; this is usually in the biome that spawned the creature. Getting a level 1 Rex. Or do I need to be taming a new one each time? the Argentavis) can carry babies, which allows you to quickly reposition the little ones if needed. You might need up to 14 or more Air Conditioners for larger eggs such as the Giganotosaurus, or the Wyvern in Scorched Earth or Ragnarok. I also keep the lines separate. Can creatures be bred infinitely to increase their stats? It happens to be that I just tamed a lvl 66 bronto aswell. I could not disagree more with that. Thus breeding them will give you either more identical stat female to breed with the male to increase your chances of mutation, now you keep breeding them and wait for a mutation to occur. If all colors of the baby can be found on the parents, then you have a "wasted" color mutation. This is less of an issue for herbivores, because a stack of 100 berries lasts 66 real hours (2.7 days) before spoiling, a much more manageable interval. As the baby grows, you will be able to leave the baby alone for longer and longer periods of time. You may need to know roughly the taming effectiveness you had because there might be a couple different conclusions based on that. So you can go much more than 20/20. Please. [4], The stat-calculator does not work in the mobile-view, see here for alternatives: Apps. Thanks for taking the time lay it all out like that for folks. was stated in other thread. Great guide. The mating interval is also started for female creatures that are transferred between servers. breeding history and mutation stats are available and a 20/20 mutation rule apllies, which in all likelyhood applies to mobile also. The ark wiki has every animal plus the colour region's they have. Watched many youtube videos, read other threads but I guess somewhere between stuff changing in the game over the years, not taking it serious until recently, and/or I may just be dumb it's just not clicked, still confused by this. once each line is mutated fully the hard part is really over and now I just breed together until I get one baby with all three fully mutated stats? CARBONEMYS BREEDING AND MUTATIONS! You are using only half females, because 2nd half is used for different stats. Why did total level go up, but there is no visible stat increase and no color change? The mating interval starts after the creature has laid the egg or gestation has completed. In short, to mathematically maximize your mutating process, you want the following results for health: Now that you have 20 mutations into health and 20 into melee that are "real" you can combine them and get a 40/40 baby because at this point your chance to mutate already been halved. One would need to find an average of 2.86310^188 number of any creature to get all 223 wild stats put into any specific stat, assuming all levels have the same chance of spawning [1/((1/7)^223)]. If you input the stats of the parents as is into asb manually its possible to find out the original stats of the parents even after leveling. However, in the real world all reptiles, fish, crustaceans, snails, whales, and Trilobites and Dung Beetles are able to breed. The probability for at least one mutation in an offspring whose parents both have less than 20 matrilineal and patrilineal mutations is 7.31%, for at least two mutations it is 0.184%, and for three mutations the probability is 0.00156%.[1]. Use a pool of 380 levels and place them in the dinos stats like you would if you could just program the dino into ARK. #9. 1. Your on Medium he asked about Hard, let's start with the basics.. Also we are talking about breeding/mutations, not leveling dinos.. On ARK Mobile Official Hard Servers, the max tame level is 450. The probability for at least one mutation when the parent that provides the improved stat has 20 mutations or higher is 4.07% because the game prefers the "weaker" of both parents to provide the mutation increase in the ancestry by 55%. This halts all creatures within the area to stop moving, even ones that are enabled to wander. Health), on a baby that inherited the lower stat of both parents, on a baby that inherited the higher stat of both parents. There's no secret to obtaining mutations; it's all . Ensure the expectant mother has access to plenty of food during gestation to avoid losing the baby. All rights reserved. This prevents them from walking around in the meantime. There is a 10% chance of twins, and a 2% chance of triplets. Another disagreed. The higher levelup is displayed in bold. Central part of the Ragnarok map, inside Extinction's forbidden zone. if it's a female, it's bred with a non mutated male until a mutated male is made. because the game prefers the "weaker" parent as the carrier of the mutation increase in the ancestry. Is it only possible to really focus on two stats in stead of three? But I love the blue color so not wastingit. The more specialized a creature is in one stat, the higher it can be. They don't inherit the plain value, but the levels the parents spend in the stats before being leveled up by a player. By and since a non mutated parent can mutate a stat on the mutated parent, the 20 mutations limit can be exceeded. Whenever the baby attacks an entity, a portion of its food will be lost. never breeding 2 dinos with the same mutations together. Additionally, mating multiple females to a single male at the same time can make this worse. It requires one of three interactions (giving specific kibble, cuddling or walking) every 8* hours. So far my results have been really good, but I am always trying to improve. If I have only 1 stat or 0, I just kill them. Template:Table of Breeding I hypothesize that level ups beyond level 600 are dropped upon server restart. During the baby phase, you have to hand feed the baby until it reaches the juvenile phase. This of course reduces (by approximately 50%) the already-slim chances of a mutation actually occurring so if you want the full 7.31% chance of at least one mutation, both parents must be <20. The offspring of domesticated animals can have random stats boosts and color changes when tamed. Take in example you have Theriz pair that both have the following stats combined: You breed them together and get the following baby: Now let assume that this baby was a male and that you mate him with a clean female (0/40 Markers) and get the following baby: Now you have a mutation into both stats, awesome! Dont kill off Generation 0, 1 & 2 Breeders they can be used to breed different mutation Line or fix a line if you pass 20/20 mutation. You should mutate the stat you are looking for every 290 eggs (mathematically but still random). Mutations Ark: The Guide & Probability. The probability for at least one mutation in an offspring whose "worse stat" parent has 20 or more mutations is 3.31%. OK so in a different thread about taming and the pre/post tame stats breeding was mentioned a few times. Do it again, you have 00001000 mutations, or 8. Copyright 2022 Studio Wildcard. there's a limit of 20 mutations on each parents side, once exceeded you can no longer get mutations. Today I loaded into the Extinction map on singleplayer, to my surprise my map files have somehow corrupted in a way that the Ragnarok map is now part of the Extinction map. There is a 55% chance of inheriting the stronger stat of each parent. Starting Rex stats bred from all best Rex's you have. Babies are not mountable and flee from fights. Accumulated imprinting values will not be lost if you miss an imprint. Perfect Trank is when tranked dino takes No further damage after it becomes unconscious, either from you firing another trank dart or arrow, you accidentally punching it or a wild dino taking a bite. 2. Breeding is a way of showing you are quite well-off on The Ark, from having the resources needed to incubate and egg and keep the baby alive, and having enough dinos to establish a decent bloodline in which mutations can occur. However, they all have the downside of providing negative Heat Tolerance, making careful management necessary, or going to colder areas to make the gap between cold resistance and heat resistance bigger. Patience is advised as the bar moves in leaps and bounds. Breed with just any female rex over and over until the HP stat mutates? So, oh let's say, after 4 attempts of breeding your generation 0 male and female a baby female is born with the best stats from both parents and it is born level 52 (not level 44 like parents) this is because levels of dino are determined by Level 1 Base Stats plus the random level-ups you have now just combined the highest random level-ups from both parents into 1 baby so its level will be higher than parent and this is your First Generation 1 key breeder and the backbone of your breeding program. The color mutation must be the golden color since one parent is white and the other a tanish color. If you get lucky and get the perfect dino in a set of opposite gender twins, you can clone it as needed, lol. then you breed that female back with the male to try and get a male/female pair that both have 45 points in melee and health, now both your rexes have the same mutation. So I would use the prior acquired knowledge on taming the proper dinos getting the stats as I desired. You can see that the level of the offspring can be lower, in between or higher as the levels of the parents. *Few creatures, like Baryonyx and Pelagornis will eat Raw Fish Meat before Cooked Fish Meat and they only eat fish meat. All rights reserved. breed the females with 1 male until a mutation in the desired stat occurs, and that mutated baby replaces the male. I truley hope this answeres a few quetions out there and give some of you a better understanding about breeding and if your wondering the process to breeding a crazy good or even super dino take a lot longer than days or weeks it will take months and even years on official servers that dont have breeding multipliers. Natural stat levels are the levels in each stat after it has been tamed but before it gains any stats through leveling-up by a player. Wild creatures begin with zero mutations on both sides. Next step is to get a perfect pair Generation 1 breeder so you now use the born female (daughter) and breed it with your generation 0 male (father) they will have some stats exactly the same but you're now looking to breed a male with exact same stats as Generation 1 Female (daughter), why so you can start breeding for those crucial mutations you will need to breed your super dino. 2 mutation breeding questions. The Munster Bovine technician service is recognized as the leader in its field with over 70 years' experience of carrying out artificial insemination in the Munster and Galway areas. Not really a pain just keep breeding parents and put that mute one side for now and breed back into the bloodline in Generation 3 might take a few more rounds to get the perfect stats back..remember you keep breeding Generation 0 till you get your Generation 1 pair the problem with generation 0 producing a mutation is identifying the mutation What level of dinos should I tame in the wild? This will end in a lower mutation probability than the previous case. By using Fish Meat, this time is doubled to 53.3 hours (40 x 80 mins), although Raw Fish Meat is only half as nutritious as Raw Meat, so babies will need twice as much meat. The use of a powered Tek Trough that can store more items and acts like a refrigerator extending the spoil time is recommended. Whistle "Passive" or claim babies quickly to avoid this. Please everyone feel free to explain/discuss.