", Pisces stereotypes: Unreliable and self-centered. Christine Schoenwald is a writer, performer, and astrology lover. This is what makes them the most studious Zodiac sign out of all! They wont be willing to talk about their feelings with one another, but they understand and trust one another enough to pay it no mind and keep the relationship going for a long time. . But when it comes to intelligence, which sign has the most brains? They are also very sharp and have an analytical mind which helps them in crisis situations. Sagittarius is just so interested in so many subjects that they cant imagine anyone not being as fascinated as they are. No matter if its an Aquarius man and woman, man and man, or woman and woman, an Aquarius-Aquarius relationship will be exciting and adventurous. However, their constructive criticism is often misconstrued. It is not just about accumulating academic qualifications or boasting of a super successful career. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) The third of the Air signs, Aquarius has a mind for technology and progress. 2023byTango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved. When it comes to emotions, well, youre more of a thinker than a feeler. The Sagittarius woman sees the Aquarius man as someone she can learn from. If they stay grounded, the skys the limit for them. Aquarians are broad-minded and accepting of ideas and concepts from sources other than themselves. The Sagittarius symbol is a bow and arrow, or, an archer. RELATED: Why Virgo Zodiac Signs Are So Hard Working, Per Astrology. You dont like to be tied down in relationships and tend to lead with your head over your heart. As long as theyre making time for each other, theres no reason why this cant last. Where they really shine, though, is in communicating this information. Youll learn which high school clique represents them (Pisces are the cool art kids), who would get eaten first in a scary movie (Gemini, obviously) to how each sign prefers to say I love you (for Taurus, its with good food). Falling in love will be interesting as both signs arent exactly relationship-oriented. Aquarius and Sagittarius are two signs that value freedom. Cancers are ruled by the luminescent moon, which symbolizes emotions. Whats more, they know how to read and study to get the most out of it;they can memorize a lot because they actually have a deep understanding about what theyre learning and how it could be applied in real life. Do they have a certain intellectual arrogance? All you have to do is open your eyes. If your rising sign is in Aquarius, you are sharp, intellectual, and good at conversation. Its also because they feel they are always right. Nov 21 Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21 Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19 Aquarius Jan 20 - Feb 18 Pisces Feb 19 . Last year your ruler Jupiter entered your . While both Leo and Aquarius are three signs apart from Taurus, Aquarius tends to be more laid back and less self-involved than Leo, making Leo the one that's a bit more incongruous for the. Aquarius is noted for being independent and intellectual, often excelling in areas of study that involve complex concepts and information, such as math and science. The placement of Mercury in your chart reveals your specific intellectual strengths. All you have to do is listen to Gemini talk and you'll know their genius. Uranus is the only planet that spins on its side, which fits because this zodiac sign is known to be very individualistic and original. Their ruling planet, Neptune, is connected to energetic receptivity, so they often feel what others feel, causing them to become drained.". These two have the capacity to get into trouble and would be the type of friends that party together and go to jail together handcuffed hand and hand. Sagittarius and Aquarius are true partners in crime. Scorpios pick up on information that other people are inclined to miss. Sagittarius and Aquarius are two highly independent zodiac signs that tend to be perfectly content being single. These are two signs that share a sense of wonder about the world and will enjoy sharing their thoughts and opinions with each other. But the intelligence of Aquarius may not always be very practical, they are more esoteric. In astrology, air feeds fire, and these two elements often blend harmoniously. Everyones brain works a little differently, and there are plenty of ways to be smart.. Its never a dull moment with them! Sagittarius and Aquarius are great at coming up with new ideas, but Aquarius is a lot better on following through than Sagittarius. Aquarius will use their intelligence and innovation for new projects, while Sagittarius will carry them out. Their drastically different personalities will make them impatient for a change. Some say Geminis are inconsistent to a fault, but they just represent duality, and are ever-changing and dynamic. They are bosom buddies, like two peas in a pod, Garbis says. A Taurus won't waste their time on anything unless it is truly worth it.". Intelligence truly comes in many flavors, and thats why its hard to box it up into one meaning. Their grit, ability to never give up and seek solutions through hard work is the sign of their intelligence. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Their conversations are a lot of fun, especially since they dont take themselves too seriously. If your Venus sign is in Sagittarius, you are a big flirt. 13 Ways To Know If A Gemini Man Is In Love With You, 13 Unique Traits That Make A Scorpio Woman Attractive. RELATED:20 Best & Worst Virgo Personality Traits. A fellow Aquarius will appreciate the wildness of another Aquarius and be a part of it. . This is one aspect of intelligence that is lacking in them because, in their eagerness to maintain that balance, they might overlook some of the most important details. It wont be easy for her to fall in love, but when she does, she wants something exciting and spontaneous. The sign of speech and networking, Gemini learns quickly when they can listen to someone talk, and their ability to connect with all kinds of different people makes them fantastic teachers. You have an enviable chart in March, with plenty happening in your career, home, and love life, as well as your artistic, creative expressions. ", Scorpio stereotypes: Hypersexual and curt. They're able to distance themselves from a situation, making it easier for. They have natural intellectual curiosity, wanting to know everything about anything that interests them. If your sun sign is an Aquarius like mine, chances are your horoscope has said you're independent, aloof, and a little on the emotionally detached side. With their fixed quality, Aquarius is an intelligent, persistent, and a natural-born leader. This perfectly describes Gemini because they have all of those personality traits! They like to have fun and try new things, and when it comes to intimacy, theyll both be willing to communicate about their needs. Although they are a fixed sign, they make great friends and its easy for them to adapt to new environments. They make for the smartest zodiac sign in order of assertiveness and analytical abilities. 2010 The Thought & Expression Company, LLC. Why does Virgo rank among the most intelligent zodiac signs, you ask? Well, they may not be the smartest zodiac sign ever but they definitely make the cut in some ways. Information for its own sake isnt enough for Aquarius they just want to have reliable sources at hand to back up their cutting-edge ideas and theories. Of course, going off of what was mentioned before, the word intelligence means different things to different people. Did you know you could figure out whether a person is intelligent or not by just knowing their zodiac? Their commitment to understanding one another is unmatched. They are very good and wise friends to have, especially in difficult times. But the dark side of this anything-goes arrangement is that both Sag and Aquarius are commitment phobic. 4. Your March Horoscope for Sagittarius. These 9 Feng Shui Tips Will Help You Keep The Positive Energy Flowing Into Your Home, Spiritual Meaning Of Comets: 3 Significant Signs. It means that the smarter you are, the more you are likely to earn. They have a cool head on their shoulders, are known to behave rationally, and can be pretty innovative as well. Pisces: The dreamer (February 19March 20), 5. Aries Mar 21 to Apr 19. . Listen To What People Feel, Not To What They Say. Some signs are naturally brighter than the rest. "Scorpios are actually looking for a deep connection," explains Astrodim. Visit her website or her Instagram. Both signs are able to maintain a balance between their egos and their emotions which in turn ensures stability in their relationships. The Aquarius man sees the Sagittarius woman as a strong, independent woman. If youre a Sagittarius, expect that a sexual or love relationship with an earth sign, like Virgo, will be really lousy. ", Virgo stereotypes: Judgmental and critical. How Youll Do Everything Based On Your Zodiac Sign includes an exhaustive analysis of each signs personality. Despite their reputations for being on the quirky side, Sagittarius is very philosophical, while Aquarius is very intellectual. This pair will have a great relationshipmost of the time. Gemini and Sagittarius will understand each other more than any other signs. If you think you're one of these studious people but don't aren'ton this list,remember that intelligence comes in lots of different flavors. 3. Sometimes, its okay to take a side Libra! These astrological measurements can even predict everything from your romantic compatibility to your health. Well, its more intellectual and adventurous than intimate and lovey-dovey. They love to make lists of facts and figures, to keep detailed spreadsheets, to seek out and analyze patterns and anomalies. But their innate sense of knowing others energy stands them in good stead. Part of what makes Virgo so smart is their organization skills; its as if they have a giant database in their head where everything theyve ever learned is perfectly categorized and tagged. But even these two are actually intelligent in different ways. Virgo or the Virgin is a sign that shows a lot of practical intelligence. Neat, isnt it? Scorpios like to delve deep into a concept and they are not ready to accept an explanation unless they are convinced about it. The fiery archer is a restless spirit who hates feeling tied down, while the airy . In a way, Taureans work smarter, not harder, so they're not lazy, just very calculated. "Geminis are mutable signs who are ruled by Mercury, the planet of intellect and logic," Astrodim explains. They have so many ideas that they can become overwhelmed. If there's no solution to a problem or the answer is difficult to find, Virgo will simply set out to create their own answer. Sagittarius wants to be able to explore the world. They often like to reflect their light to the ones they love! But it's only because they want to keep the peace and often get caught in the crossfire. They trust each other immensely and whether they can make a relationship work, theyll still make great friends. Sagittarius and Leo Compatibility Ideal Pair. Aquarius stereotypes: Cold and distant. Pisces are not unlike the clich of the scatterbrained geniuses. So they are very useful when it comes to planning a project or thinking big and visualizing it to make it a success. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Sagittarians are natural . Everyone wants them on their team for Trivia Night, and you wonder how they can manage to store all that knowledge inside their brains and still have room to remember how to tie their shoes. Others have said Aquarius is the smartest Zodiac sign, but Aquarius just tends to represent the kind of intelligence rewarded by the school system. Being true to how you feel is actually a brave and strong trait. They have a sextile aspect between them, which means they are two signs away from each other. The fiery archer is a restless spirit who hates feeling tied down, while the airy water bearer values their alone time. Sagittarius and Aquarius admire and respect each other and their unique differences. Aquarius can help provide stability for the free-wheeling Sagittarius, while the archer helps Aquarius move more easily into the future, Monahan says. The Soul Exchanges: Who And What Are The Walk-Ins? There is a level of understanding between these two, both aware of their wild nature. On the plus side, Sagittarius and Aquarius arent the type to hold grudges. After all, in the world of quick fixes, not many people bother about the nitty-gritties of things. Sagittarius love being around other people. So, while Aquarius likes to work to the conclusion of projects, Sagittarius will shift frequently. The only drawback is that they have a tendency to express their own views very strongly which is why they may appear arrogant to others.. They are a breath of fresh air! While they tend to be a little distant, they're actually just processing their emotions . Aquarius is very future-minded, and this keeps them both on track. As long as they communicate (which they both have no problem doing), they will remain strong. There is almost unanimity that Aquarius is one of the most intelligent zodiac signs. So are Virgos the smartest zodiac sign? Scorpios have more emotional intelligence ie, they are attuned to what others are feeling around them. Pisces is very emotional and possessive and will only want to have sex with the love of their life, while a free-spirited Aquarian wont be interested in that in the slightest. With Sagittarius and Aquarius, things just click. With her help, let us figure out the answer to who is the most intelligent zodiac sign or which zodiac sign is the sharpest and how. She is appreciative of individuality and someone who stands out from the crowd! Signs You Lack Self-Love (And How To DevelopIt), The Romantic Comedy You Should Watch This Valentines Day, Based On Your ZodiacSign, Valentines Day 2023 Forecast: A Zodiac-Based Guide To Romance AndLove, 5 Powerful Ways Women Can Avoid Dating Narcissists And OtherManipulators, How I Married My High-School Ex (After 11 Years Of Me Wanting Him And Him Not WantingMe! "Capricorns like to keep a reserved attitude to make sure no one or nothing, especially emotions, are distracting them from making the best decisions," says Astrodim. Yes, maybe! "They are quick thinkers and often change their minds, which is why people may think Geminis are inconsistent. However, they may make a lot of future commitments without following through, which is an area where they may run into issues long-term. Both have different approaches to life and this can result in butting heads sometimes., Additionally, both signs can get so caught up in their own projects and passions that they forget to invest time and energy into nurturing the relationship. If you've ever gotten Regina George vibes from Virgos, it's probably because they tend to give their two cents on everything. You trust yourself over others, and this often comes across as cocky and cold. They are overly confident and very honest, too. Sagittarius people rank as smarter regarding philosophical and abstract intelligence compared to analytical and practical intelligence . They are the fastest thinkers of the Zodiac and have a special aptitude for acquiring and disseminating information. Nuh-uh. Theyre constantly finding new ways to satisfy each other, Garbis says. While Sagittarius and Aquarius have a lot in common,. Librans, who are represented by the scale, like balance and so they will always have considered response to every situation. They are drawn to each other immediately, and though it may seem they start off as friends its really more than that, Garbis says. Based on their interests and aptitude, here are the top 10 most intelligent zodiac signs: 1. They are go-getters and do not give up on their dreams that easily. Its just easy to overlook that because they rarely rub their intelligence in anyones face. Aquarius is sextile, or two signs apart from mutable fire sign Sag, which makes for a friendly, organic connection. In fact, they can be called the smartest zodiac from all the signs there are out there. Cancer and Pisces are the most emotionally intelligent; in other words, they excel at recognizing and reasoning with their own and others feelings. They are emotional and hard-working, and they know it. Heres how to improve your own emotional intelligence (no zodiac sign required!). Still, others are creative and have a natural affinity toward the arts, while there are some who are geniuses with numbers. While I personally attest to having the emotional capacity of a robot, it's probably unlikely that that all Aquarians are incapable of being vulnerable. Want to know what is the smartest zodiac sign ever that encapsulates the best of these traits? Sagittarius is a fire sign and Aquarius is an air sign. Applying yourself to something constructive is satisfying, and putting in the effort to enhance your daily routines is rewarding. And this, for many, is a sign of intelligence that other zodiacs do not possess. Sagittarians can make for good leaders as well and can even be rather dominating. With Libra, there isnt enough trust to make sure something lasts. They not only acquire a lot of information from their senses but are able to make use of it very quickly. For people who want to ex. They may not have the intelligence of say, a Scorpio or an Aquarian but they have native intelligence, which will help them get things done their way. While this can definitely keep their relationship going, they may avoid tackling more serious topics like moving in together or taking the next big step in their relationship. They can actually feel energies without effort which makes them excellent psychics. They may not be all-rounders, but they will be deeply aware of subjects they are interested in. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Monthly Horoscope For March 2023. Aquarius can help situate and resolve issues . Sex will never be boring between these two, with his sense of adventure and willingness to try new things and her passion for intimacy and closeness. The Sagittarius symbol is a bow and arrow, or, an archer. Both Aquarius and Sagittarius want an active and free-flowing life. They are the typical water sign where still waters run deep. Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. There are few people as detail-oriented and perfectionists as people born under this sign. They can build the relationship they want together. Pisces ranks high among the most intelligent zodiac signs because they imbibe the traits of all other signs, being the last one in the circle. To you, love should be exciting and adventurous rather than committed and claustrophobic.. Leo is exactly what Aquarius needs in love and Aquarius is exactly what Leo needs, in terms of flexibility and change of pace when necessary. Alternating between silly, sweet, and serious, this book is filled with deep dives into the mind of everyone whose birth chart you can get your hands on. In astrology, this is associated with a Venus aspect, which promotes harmony, ease, and commonality.. RELATED:6 Reasons Being Book Smart Is Way Better Than Being Street Smart. Too often, Aquarius is accused of being emotionally unavailable. They're able to distance themselves from a situation, making it easier for them to figure out a solution. This is the original Britney (Sagittarius) and Justin (Aquarius) relationship, meaning it has Hollywood potential, astrologer Clarisse Monahan tells Bustle. Chemistry begins in the mind for this pair. They can have fun and then spend the rest of the night exchanging stories or interesting facts theyve learned. With the air energy, Aquarius are very free-flowing, independent zodiac signs who still hate being alone for long periods of time. Aquarius has two ruling planets: Uranus and Saturn. The kind of man who enjoys his freedom and who is likely to settle down in a relationship. When you're ruled by the sun, how can you not believe everything revolves around you? They are intellectual, driven, and have the ability to think ahead of others. Sagittarius will always try to mend a fight. Those born under fire like Sagittarius, Leo and Aries crave power and are willing to work hard to obtain it. At first glance, a Taurus may give off that they're permanently sluggish, but their lethargy actually stems from them understanding their value. Aquarians are always considering not just themselves, but everyone who is involved in their lives. We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer) as we strive to provide site experiences for browsers that support new web standards and security practices. Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter, which promotes expansive thought, higher leaning, and abundance. Your Capricorn partner will always come prepared to test their knowledge into practice. Afterwards, they're joyful again.". They have a native intelligence as well as the ability to give an overall perspective which can certainly help them go far. Whether youre an authoritative Aries or a caring Cancer, every zodiac sign has its most attractive traits. According to Mensa, a genius is someone who scores at or above the 98th percentile on an IQ test or any other standardized intelligence test. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University. They just jump to having a good time.. Related Reading: 7 Zodiac Signs With Expensive Taste Who Love The High Life. Sagittarius are Continue Reading 51 Capricorn: The worker bee (December 22January 19), 6. Out of the sharpest zodiac signs, Capricorn is the one you will certainly take note of. So let's check out zodiac Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, And Pisces. An Astrologer Debunks Your Zodiac Sign's Stereotypes. They dont need to be around other people to have a good time because they enjoy their own company and are usually quite happy to be focused on a project or problem-solving. If you get too clingy, she might run away! However, when Sagittarius is really into something, they will stick around as long as it gives them joy and excitement. A Sagittarius woman is wild and independent. Trust factor: Very high Physical Intimacy: Very wild. You want a lover who can challenge you intellectually and who is also your friend. Their ability to be natural charmers and attract attention in any room is what makes people think they are one of the most dynamic zodiac signs. Fiery, mutable Sagittarius is emotionally free, accepting, and has a big heart, while airy, fixed, Aquarius, who is also a free spirit, marches to the beat of a different drum. Who Would Be Your Best Friend According To Your Zodiac Sign? Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. With impersonal and detached Aquarius and romantic and needy Pisces, it will be very difficult for them to find common ground and understand each others drastically different personalities. These signs have a lot of ambition which motivates them to tap their full potential. Not only do funny people have higher IQs, they manifest greater creativity, have impressive reasoning ability and verbal skills, and make new friends fairly easily. They are usually the success stories in the groups they are part of. They make for a pretty dynamic team. According to Garbis, its instant synergy when they first meet, and theres a sparkle that radiates between them. Aquarius is co-ruled by rational . These two might seem like they are "just friends" while married. They are not known for their emotional intelligence but their tendency for perfection makes them extremely good project heads. She has written over 500 articles on the zodiac signs and how the stars influence us. As long as the communication remains strong, this is an unbreakable bond. On paper, they are a nearly perfect love match in the bedroom. As a fire sign, Sagittarius has an honest and intense personality. Once they get into a classroom or other learning environment, Gemini is just plain brilliant when it comes to academia, with the capacity to ace just about any intellectual subject. Sagittarius: The most studious Zodiac sign (November 22December 21), 8. If you like our article, give Conscious Reminder a thumbs up, and help us spread LOVE & LIGHT!. The content produced by YourTango is for informational and educational purposes only. The Aquarius companion will contribute new thinking and interesting discourse to the partnership, while the Sagittarius partner will add tenderness. But which is the most intelligent zodiac sign that encompasses almost all the desirable qualities in a man or woman an all-rounder, in other words? By knowing the zodiac sign of a person, you can take guess whether he is intelligent, creative, emotional, or caring. They are adventurous, rebellious (especially under authority), and want life to be unpredictable rather than planned. Aquarius and Sagittarius Compatibility Ideal Match . This is what makes them so sharp! The smartest zodiac signs may not look all the same, because they show their intelligence in different ways. Aries: Never-say-die attitude (March 21April 19). There is a level of understanding between these two, both aware of their wild nature. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. They will be selfish at times, but they understand that in each other and it wont cause. head-on, no matter the challenges. So while Leos are known to be supremely confident, Scorpios are the sharpest. Sagittarius(November 22 - December 21). They are extroverted, fun, free-spirited, and somewhat unpredictable. Sagittarius is a very honest and upfront sign. Sagittarius is a Mutable Sign and Aquarius is a Fixed Sign. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. You are creativity. "Virgos have a great attention to detail thanks to their ruling planet, Mercury, and they like to use that gift to help others be the beat versions of themselves. They both tend to get off on deep intellectual conversations and other worldly topics, she says. They are natural leaders and bosses. By Trudi Mentior Written on Jun 18, 2020. While they may say one thing and mean another, it's not because they're two-faced or fake; it's just that they're open-minded and willing to let their opinions change. The Water Bearer . Librans have an intellectual bent of mind and hence they can be considered to be among the most intelligent zodiac signs. Other signs can also claim their fair share of intelligence. But hey, smart people can be a little arrogant, what say? However, a Cancer's ability to process emotions should never be seen as a weakness. "Some people call Sagittarius noncommittal I say they know when it's time for them to take their exit," says Astrodim. According to Monahan, its a relationship that wont require a ton of compromise from each other in this realm.