While there are many minor characters named Actor the most famous is the King of Phthia. you may have really nice hair, a stunning face, and piercing eyes. this is just a starting place for when examining a single asteroid in an entire galaxy. the same projection and reaction circumstances/interactions may occur in your life. Intermediate Composite chart reading $55: -What planets are transiting you and the persons houses and how that may affect you both and the relationship, -includes the basics of the basic composite chart reading but with 10 aspects instead of 5, If you want to include some asteroids, its $2 more for an asteroid, -sun/saturn conjunction/square can indicate depression at some point. i encourage you to look into the aspects of eucharis along with the sign, degree, and house placement. If you are already in a relationship, this is a time that if you dont mediate the situation, youll grapple to keep what already is there until it vanishes. this retrograde can show a person who is either super devote or an atheist. Discover more posts about marriage-astrology. dont be afraid to explore sexuality or style at your own pace (remember you are beautiful - its scary to try new things but scary doesnt mean bad, ugly, and/or unworthy). i feel like this fits the retrograde and the aries child-like energy. In ths aspect, Juno is similar to Venus and Libra. IN MY OPINION Constantia is a chart represents a) where you need something that is dependable in your life, b) where you may take longer to trust others, and/or c) where you like a routine. and you love it - you love knowing a lot of different types of people, and nothing feels better to you than helping someone in need. you may feel feared throughout life, which leads to your confinement or isolation from others. negative aspects: you will likely find yourself being aggressively pursued by masculine figures during your lifetime. It is not necessary that the house placement of 7th ruler must always indicate the environment or how you meet them. Therefore for any prediction about future . The 2nd house represents the family and any addition to the family. generate both charts from there.-> go to my vedic astrology master list and find out how to read north indian vedic chart if you want to know about your future spouse traits. your routines and rituals may get a lot of admiration from others - you may even influence a lot of other people to use your technique or helpful habit. sleep, relax - a few lazy days never killed anyone OR have a lowkey day a walk instead of a run, meal prep. dont comment when provoked or just to do so - think before you say things. in my aphrodite signs, degrees, houses, and aspects post i presented retrograde as though the effects everyone is about to read are slower to develop than those who have a direct asteroid - this post will be a breakdown similar to that post, reflecting on the planets and five common asteroid i see retrograded in a chart and advice for each retrograde. Juno is the patron of married women and marriage. dont feel as though you are required to be part of a group. you may attract a lot of obsessive people - definitely not in a good way. whelp, think of it this way: even after death, she gets her redemption and is viewed as iconic. dont assume exclusivity on day one, its 2022 lol. you arent alone in period issues either - talk with your doctors! People with Pluto in the 12th may dread or even fear going to the hospital. What this could entail is a time of financial scarcity, finally when it all comes together you find yourself regretting certain financial losses. out for a walk? please dont send me back to back asks - i will personally space them out if i must. you may experience a lot of unexpected life changes just when you start feeling comfortable. if i have told the myth, i guarantee its on one of them. medusa dedicated the majority of her life to athena and made sure the goddess felt respected and thus pleased. lev tolstoj (2810) / alexejtolstoj (3771). lmao but for real i feel like i am getting prettier with age if that makes sense? these people may have a hated or fear of swimming due to past experiences where they nearly drowned or did drown. Shifting and reassessing your focus on your goals is an important thing to do, you may enter a new organization or fall into a position of authority, becoming more responsible for more people is common as well. not to mention her determination still ended up getting her killed - athena still planned to have perseus kill medusa through she was restoring a temple for athena. Saturn in 5th house of Horoscope - Your Family Life Constantia is the Latin word meaning constancy. you could be(come) a public figure adored by those who watch you in a self-nurturing environment. my only advice is not to take things so seriously, if you are looking for romance :/ get a book - its definitely not perfect day one of any dating scene. negative aspects: you face off with someone you dont know who comes into your environment with intentions to harm you though you were doing nothing wrong in the moment. but really i have to laugh because 1h can also be philosophical thought you know who i would give this placement/circumstance too as well? His invasion from the Alps took the Romans by surprise and led to an incredible defeat of Roman troops - this is the combat often referred to as the Battle of Cannae. (Mostly Surgeons) Venus in 10th is good for a doctor studying medicine. you may also live a very simple life, in which you do not overindulge in food, substances, or other monetarily inclined things. The 11th house denotes friendship. fertility is a problem for more people than you think but we are blessed to live in a world where there are options: adoption, fostering, surrogacy, IVF, etc. This is a time for you to become more serious with what youre passionate about, building a new system for you to root out what no long makes you feel alive. you may find where you devote a lot of time and emotional energy that you are often quickly dismissed and punished after one misstep similar to medusa. you may not notice the beauty you have because you are fully invested in your role. your relationship with your mother may have been tense due to differing beliefs though your mother respected you and let you explore your thoughts and ideas. i know that the common observation is that the ruler of the 7h is located where you will met. Aspects is a very important component in synastry. number a list of things you want to do (all in your price range and capabilities) use a random number generator and go do what it lands on. If you want to know your daily horoscope and future with Famous Astrologer in Delhi then must visit Astrologer Shashi. For example, a composite Mars in the 8th house can point to lots of sexual energy in the relationship along with jealousy and fear. House for Marriage: As per Vedic astrology, the 7th house is the main house of marriage. but you do your best to live a conscious and mindful life. if you dont understand my thought process feel free to comment with questions! BUT i do tend to make overly critical assumptions that may be due to the virgo degree. medusa was viewed as emotionally remote until poseidon happened, then she was constantly emoting. so its forensic (pluto) psychology (chiron) and english (venus + venus ruled degree) for my educational pursuit. virgo (6, 18): medusa was athenas loyal servant and was committed entirely to her worship. * Vertex conjunct the DC moments like athena disapproving of her and her getting angry then finding her way back to athena, may be familiar to you. Its important to remember though that it may not be easy for us to personally understand or relate to the composite chart between us and others. this could reflect those who medusa worked with in the athenian temple. :) this is where it gets fun for me because i cant take hormone birth control because it causes blood clots - hi, i already have that issue and lowkey want to keep living. And my boyfriend has that and it made me anxious because I love him and I dont want to be without him. Aquarius (Saturn transiting the 1st house) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons into your life through your world view, self image, and persona. funnily enough, you are likely not a crowd person - it likely makes you rather uncomfortable to have so much attention. these people are often estranged from select people in their life - a father, a mother, grandparents, a whole side of the family, etc. i dont like not knowing if a person is there to stay or not (it completely contradicts my aphrodite-uranus aspect, juno in aquarius, and even my sagittarius venus - astrology is very complex i dont discount the other placements and their possible meanings but for me this asteroid and its story makes complete sense). aries (1, 13, 25): you may notice that people are drawn to you energetically. Ascendant conjunct Venus - I had this aspect with an ex - my Venus conjunct his Ascendant. By the age of 22, she had two bachelors degrees! These gifts are highly dependent on whether the child is naughty or nice - coal is given to the naughty children and toys to the nice. The word nostalgia originated from the Greek words nostos and algos - which become returning home to pain. 12:07 pm. and definitely dont rush into a relationship to catch up to those around you - its not a competition. you too may experience this type of servitude - blocking out everything that happens around you in order for you to focus on your interests. if it is for a series request, just ask for a part _! IN MY OPINION Santa in a chart represents a) your wonder/wishes, b) where you tend to do a lot of gift giving, c) how you experienced fun/joy as a child (or child-like joy in your life), d) your traditions, and/or e) where you may need to be reminded of how lucky you are as well as where to remain grateful for what you have. get STD/STI testing. Cancer Sun: Ruled by the Moon, Cancers are emotionally mature, intuitive, sensitive, and artistic. they may feel as though the pace of their life is uncomfortable for them. medusa-chiron: positive aspects: you may be the expert or the most knowledgeable person in the area of life that your medusa sits (ex: 9h could be religion just like the asteroids namesake). medusa-ceto (65489): positive aspects: you may be a strong feminine figure similar to your mother. The result given by the Marriage calculator is generic in mature and some aspects of the result in . you might provide asylum for those who faced similar circumstances to yours. they may experience a lot of drama with none of the other perks that aphrodite herself gained (attention, romance, etc.). its a bit much, yes? i cant think of a better way to head into the new year then to share some positivity and promote some of my favorite creators on tumblr! they may lack a lot of motivation compared to others. buy yourself a gift. for those of you wondering, yes, every partner i have had only ever wants to touch and look at me lol. Virgo (Saturn in the 6th house transit) - Saturn is bringing its hardships and lessons into your life through your work life, health, daily routine, exercise, and pets. Youre called to reassess the material world around you and what it is you value mostly life and yourself, and your sense of self worth and what makes you feel valuable to society. medusa-neptune: you may feel safest when daydreaming, drinking or indulging in substances, in your safe space, when disguised, and/or surrounded by religion, but these situations may cause you danger. Denial of Marriage they carry the bulk of all burdens without realizing that they have become someones personal mule. any creature comfort zones that involve you entering the space of another woman may be your thing - you may personally have experience in settings like those and wish to give back. IN MY OPINION Bella in your chart can indicate where you are seen as truly beautiful. affirmations. VENUS retrograde people may be late bloomers in terms of love and relationships - thats perfectly fine. they may not be the best at balancing their life and managing their time. make sure you are being safe. for the more advanced astrologers, take a look at the persona chart of hannibal AND/OR add the other characters involved to see how they support or impede hannibal! It could very much be a time to build a family or marry, as marriage is the merging of families here. IN MY OPINION Nostalgia in your chart shows you where and what over you are likely to experience nostalgia. Bill Clinton got married on 11-10-1975 and he was in RAHU-SATURN, Saturn is lord of navamsha and gave him marriage. try a fidget tool. *all of these observations are based on anatal chart- solar return and persona charts will change all these observations because the context is different*. listen to new music. please use my ask me anything button if you want to see a specific asteroid god/goddess next! i suspect that when medusas rage was over, she did feel sorry or pain regarding turning people to stone. negative aspects: you may feel as though karma tends to hit you the hardest in life. possibly. please use my ask me anything button if you want to see a specific asteroid god/goddess next! Physically, watch for problems with the sexual organs. monitor symptoms after injuries and tell others about your allergies! JUPITER: retrograde occurs roughly every year for around four months. Exchange of signs between the 7th, 12th and 9th lord also increases the chances of marriage in foreign land. Physically, watch for lung and breathing problems, shoulders/arms/hands as well. so lets skip that part. where aldrin is for me and how it affects me personally: 6h in leo at 27 - i could definitely see myself as a co-owner or a vice president of a company. my advice for surviving this retrograde: as a pluto dominant person, i can tell you, change is natural as is death - both are scary but in time things regulate and become still again.