- Ensures safety and security of conventional resources and personnel located within installation's 32-acre WSA limits, - 149th Squadron vehicle monitor; checked/preped/cleaned & assigned standby vehicles --ensured msn readiness - Volunteered as casualty at 49 RQS; enabled 4 hr training event for Pararescuemen--33 line items completed. - QRF f/ in-direct fire resp; led POL/flight line prnsl to bunkers/fortifi'd sec posture--zero msn impact/mitigat'd threat - Energetic and capable--a proven vital asset to the United States Air Force and Security Forces career field - OSC f/US Army physical threat w/knife to KSA MOD prnsl; secured scene/investigated incident--diffused w/o injury, - Outstanding duty performance/teamwork; directly contributed to Bravo Flt selection as "Team of the Quarter" - Public svc advocate; vol'd 104 hrs to eight base & private organizations--awarded "President's Volunteer Svc medal" - Conducted 125 AT/FP RAMS; executed 62 hrs of fence line patrols/ID & bldg checks--deterred terrorist attack, - Conducted 45 RAMs around Macdill waterways; negated area intrusions--ensured safety of base populous - Pursued opportunities fostering personal growth; committed to excellence--improved skills as analyst and leader - Key member of Wg Emergency Services Team; endured intense training/earned cert--leader among peer group, - Lead 6 defenders to Iceland; sppt'd USAF Icelandic Aerial Surveillance Rotations msn--awarded AF Commendation 3S2X1 Education and Training. - Handled 13 msn crit Harris radios; configur d, supported & maintained vital equip--competent w/$195,000 AF assets - Led 1st responders f/3 medical emers; org'd spt/confirmed location/relayed info/dispatch'd ptrls--asst rendered < 10min - Governed Branch Avenue bus depot ops for '11 JSOH; 20K pers/30K bags searched--ensured safety of 195K - Skillful Pathfinder controller; operated $28M integrated base defense system--increased flt mission readiness - Responded to suspicious package report; assisted AFOSI in recovering contents without unnecessary hazard Bullet statements may be contributed using this form. - First responder to suicide attempt; assisted First Sergeant with dorm insp/seized narcotics--member's life saved, - First respondor to distressed vessel; 3 persons recovered/transported back to shore; averted further danger - Educated new aviators on aircrew duties; briefed surveillance responsibilities--enhanced knowledge of future leaders - Deployed to Balad, Iraq ISO Operation IRAQI FREEDOM--directly responsible for reducing violence, - Deployment RA/S4 Supt; managed $300k budget/equipment purchase/accountability--zero mission gaps/delays - Identified local wanted fugitive at VCC; coordinated with local law enforcement--seamless custodial transfer, - Immediately rais d barriers for two ECP gate-runners; challeng'd driver/secur d scene--51st remains hard target - Certified TCCC mbr; successfully completed rigorous 16 hr class--gained priceless lifesaving tools as first responder - Selfless individual; volunteered to sponsor two inbound Defenders--eased transition for newly assigned pers, - Served as squad leader during primary's two month absence; managed 13 Security Forces Airmen--zero deficiencies - Revamp'd Defender's Resiliency crs; craft'd 70 field tng hrs/21 modules--incr'd skills & confidence f/250 psnl - Mng'd KAF med prgm; establish'd new CCP/order'd 1k items/trn'd TCCC/IDF f/80 mbrs--renforc'd SABC readiness - Directed AF's lrgst RP program; oversaw 402 controlled & nine restricted areas--vital to USAF '16 Best Lrg SF unit, - Directed forces to nine 911 hang-ups originating in RA; coordinated to assess/secure area--resources protected - Secured launch site for counter artillery attack--enabled joint force strike to deter incoming indirect fire attack - Established LZ f/8 Hajj acft; led 3 overwatch tms/guarded afld/0 CMA incursions--granted safe pilgrimage f/2K civs EPRBullets.com Contact admin@eprbullets.com. - Provided support to Sq Warehouse; w/ inventory, maintaining, issuing, ensuring operational readiness--100% success, - Provided visual; 12 in-flight A-10 & F-16 emergencies; safeguarded $80M assets--landed safely w/o incident, - QB'd Op KAF Xmas; tm'd w/Chaplain, stuffed 700 stockings/wrapped 300 gifts--filled holiday void f/deployed Amn 8F000 First Sergeant. - Supply accnt mngr; inventoried $2.2M in weapons/comm/ammo/munitions/tac equip--ensured 100% accountability - Performed six vehicle accident investigations; gather'd/comp'd paperwork--restored good order and discipline - Established C2 for 19 IDF salvos/complex attack; expedited QRF posting/PAR sweeps; secured POI/--crushed threats, - Established diverted security; protected 10 JASDF F-15/3 lcl acft--ensured safety f/350 prsnl f/Naha airfield recovery - Attended five days/40 hrs of training; graduated Master Rappel crs 1 of 10 on base certified--trained 75 defenders - Conducts witness and victim interviews; collects evidence, apprehends/detains offenders and completes reports/forms - Responded to domestic disturbance; utilized swift intervention to defuse incident--enabled peaceful resolution - Augmented Flight; conducted entry point ID checks--safegarded 43K personnel & $4B in msn critical resources - Maintaned TASS operations; f/8 Grd/2 IFE cordoned area/cleared routes--prevented loss of life or critical asst If we knew about this bullet before we boarded we might have been able to do something. - Direct'd flt ops f/30 Role-3/45 MEDEVACs; est security/facilitated patient movement--enabl'd care f/62 WIA/CF/AFN You don't always need to be the best, but you need to be known for always trying to be the best. - Hastily responded to worst ROK typhoon in 50 yrs; redirected traffic for responding crew--flawless execution, - ID'd 4 FP gaps in KDH cargo/prsnl ops; coord'd w/EOSS/re-postured 3 patrls f/afld def--prevented flight line breachs - Assumed C2 during 10 unannounced alarm activations; swift actions/text book response led to safe resolutions, - Attended 32 hr Defensive Driving crse; improved pursuit/emerg response/skid control skills--ready for war-time msn - AF Assistance Fund unit repgained support from over 100 personnelwg raised $100K/$30K above goal - Primary records custodian for 88 personnel; strictly tracked & protected personal info--maintained INFOSEC - Establish'd Alarm Working Grp; directed 30-mbr tm; ID'd Intrusion Detection issues to SF/CC--prep'd section - Vol'd 210 hrs f/prof orgs/54 hrs swim lessons/30 hrs mail room/24 hrs f/Hurricane Irma--inspired peers to vol 1K hrs - Completed 90-day Security Forces augment; ensured safety of 96 aircraft, personnel and assigned wing . - Diligently monitored 100+ cameras; abtained info -- valuable for Operations of Special Investigations analysis If you'd like to contribute but don't see a page for your AFSC or additional duty, use the form at the bottom of this page to request it and a page will be made for it as soon as possible. - Prov'd ROM meals; assist'd delivery for 11 quarantine'd members for breakfast/lunch--increas'd QoL f/ANG/Reserve - Provided C2 for inmate transfers; coor'd escorts with AFSFC and TSA--ensured public/inmates safety during transfer - Embeded Predator recon w/OTW msns; only ISR ready in GCCC; 2X perimeter defense -- CFACC, well done - Recruited/led nine mbrs for local park clean-up; tm removed 500+ lbs of equipment/debris--keyed safety/cleanliness, - Security guard for Sun Sound Beerfest; safed 1.2K spectators--efforts contributed to $2M for Sun Sound of AZ - Detected two TCN escort violations;eliminated possible hostile insider threat--denied PL2 access/six detained, - Developed 25 SF warriors into cohesive/effective team; flight's apprehension rate was highest in recent years Elected base 5/6 Vice Pres--mentor'd '14 Staff Amn OTY, NCO OTQ and CCAF degree recipients, - Zealously enforced traffic regulations; conducted traffic stops and educated motorists--increased traffic safety. - Deployed 180+ days ISO OIR/OFS; bolstered sec $7.9B ofacft/assets & 3.4K CF prsnl--ensured 15 bombs on target - Enlisted Council Member! - WIT phase II ex participant; performed afld damage assessment/plotted 15 UXOs--prepared 8.6K ORE prsnl - Sec'd LZ nightops f/mil/civil relief msns; XX A/C, XX tons cargo, XXX prsnl, XX fire msns--crit POTUS msn rqmts, - Secured foreign dignitary aircraft, controlled security movement locations--allowed for safe arrival/departure - Preserved Dignified Transfer f/2 fallen USA KIA; secur'd area & routes--return'd hero's home w/dignity/honor/respect Lets see what you got. - Controlled six SF/helo integrated recap msns/mgd'd 314 personnel/corrected deficiencies--highlighted unit's abilities, - Coord'd LE Ops; processed 4 assaults/30 citations/9 warrants/4 debarments issued--safed 4K Cadets/11K+ personnel - Destroyed 1K sensitive RAB information, secured PII for base personnel--prev'd terrorist activity on AUAB 1A8X1 Airborne Cryptologic Language Analyst, Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR). - Trained 90 SFG's most diverse msn; instilled knowledge/courage--enabled 24/7 watch/security of USA's nuc aresenal - Exhibited remarkable military bearing/ldrshp; demonstrated sense of service--instilled purpose & responsibility in peers - Endless thirst for knowledge; lead programmer dev'd remote learning app-- won HV Tech Festival best EdTech hack 33 AFCM, 45 AFAM, 6 BSM, 550 volunteer hrs--continued operational combat support in KAF - Exemplary team player; exhibits consistent/monumental work ethic--fosters purpose/responsibility/joy in fellow peers. EPRs are required to be written in a format peculiar to the U.S. Air Force. - Validated 486 training records; tracked 250 upgrade training--ensured 400 records in compliance for stan-eval - Vital SF mbr; lauded by inspectors during 11 Wg UCI--key contributor in Wing "SQ of the Year" recognition! - Safeguarded 42 nuc msns traversed 5.2K miles/1.1K hrs over tristate region--upheld TF-214's 99.7% readiness rate - Managed a Security Forces locker layout plan; > $1Million in equipment accounted for--enhanced the SFS standards - Energized Op SOUTHERN COMFORT spt; helped gather 1K+ lbs can goods--eased Hurricane Maria victim burden - Managed 20 vehicle fleet valued at $800K; ensured 96% Vehicle-In-Commission rate--trump'd AF goal by 6%, - Managed 65+ OJT records; created checklist/conducted review--efforts resulted in 20 corrected discrepancies - Selfless volunteer! - Attended Wg Top III write to win crs; dev'd essential writing techniques/leadership attributes--promote to SSgt, - Balanced ldrshp/education; earned six credit hours toward CCAF/Bachelors Degree--maintained 4.0 GPA/Dean's list - Directed largest munition acct; 770K+ rounds allocated at >$364K--330K+ rounds fired/2.5K pers qual'd - Detected four trespassers; prevented multiple threats/identified wanted felon--secured CSX deviation - Accounted for $550K+ in SF eqpmt/munitions daily; zero losses--enhanced AW's readiness for war on terror - Detained and processed 33 personnel for violations of Misawa AB 35th Fighter Wing base curfew policy - Controlled 23 in-flight & eight ground emergencies; cordoned the area--provided unimpeded emergency route fatal accident in apple valley, ca; covid test pitt county; kevin samuels zodiac sign; band music publishers; - Weekend volunteer; expertly repaired/weight & balanced aileron--ensured acft met scheduled deployment time - Prop'd awds prgm homestation & deployed; drafted packages/chaired boards--garnered BTZ winner/3 mnthly winners, - Public svc advocate; vol'd 104 hrs to eight base & private organizations--awarded "President's Volunteer Svc medal" Long story short, I have literally been unable either mentally or physically work towards any EPR related bullets. - Piloted Force Protection tactical def prgm; qual'd 55 AF/2 USA prsnl w/5.8K rnds--bolstered camp response force - Overwatch security f/11 rotator msns; sec'd 2K pax destin'd to five AOR's--protected AEF cycle f/USCENTCOM ops, - Partcptd MQ-1B Predator tng; integrated ESFS/ERS operations--maximized Integrat'd Defense Force ISR capes - Model team player; consistently exhibits good work ethic/accountability--fosters environment of purpose/obligation, - NCO Prof Seminar planner; org'd logistics f/2 classes/brief'd 3 topics--bridg'd PME gap b/w ALS & NCOA f/48 SSgts, - Orchestrated MXG Annual Awd luncheon; org'd cook-off, set-up & teardown for 150 attendees--lauded by MXG/CC Air Force EPR Bullets by AFSC. - Led 186 KAF Security Zone OTW ops; neutralized 23 INS threats--creat'd 960 IIRs/disrupted multi-TB network cell Airman Against Drunk Driving (AADD) . - Instructed Expeditionary Active Shooter Training; 80+ 403rd personnel trained--established deployment ready status - Complet'd adversarial testing 350+ alarm points; detect'd 100% of intrusion attempts--AFI standards exceeded - Completed ASIST course; obtained advanced skills/knowledge/tools in suicide prevention--vital to Wing support - Actively involved w/Tucson Clean & Beautiful prgm--over 90 bags of trash picked up/3 trees planted f/Tucson Parks An Air Force EPR (Enlisted Performance Report) is a document that is used to evaluate the performance and potential of enlisted personnel in the United States Air Force. - Screened/vetted 60 local national workers; aided completion of 125 projects--$600M construction completed - Prep'd 24 augmentees for SF duty--"every airman is a sentry" warrior ethos instilled; AUAB contingency ready, - Prepared flight personnel for their Standardization Evaluations; increased pass rate by 75% - Completed AF Principles of Instruction crse; received six credits--certified instructor for 40 ancillary topics, - Completed all training requirements w/o issue; maintained worldwide readiness--maximized unit capability - Epitomizes AF core values; displays stellar dedication to mission duty/tech expertise--regards people as our best asset - Vol'd 14hrs wkly at Honor Emergency Housing; provided meals & other items for 150 personnel; served less fortunate - Seeks out growth/improvement; qualified 45 mbrs on Self Aid Buddy Care program--boosted unit readiness by 34% - Active w/Top 3; mentored First Four/organized Family Feud--enjoyed by 40+ members/boosted KAF's programs, - Adv'd COIN ops; guided 10 Guardian Angels/Grd Mvt SOPs f/2 AORs--derailed 85 attacks/21 Taliban seiz'd/5 killed Or take some online classes. - Dispatched LE patrols to med emergency involving asthma victim--person resuscitated/transported to MGMC - Performed as observer/controller during five USAF exercises; integral to overall success of SF assessments, - Performed duties as vehicle trainer; trained 20+ flight members on SF vehicles--increased Govrn Vhcle drivers - Managed $800K in ammo/$400K in LMR/$35K in RADAR devices; SF msn critical equip--zero discrepancies - Committed head coach for youth soccer tm; dedicated 40 hrs/2 mths towards ex/games--fostered sportsmanship - Led 10-pers "Haunted Maze" setup/120 hrs; erected 9 tents/scare booths--aided Sq's #1 fundraiser/raised $6K, - Mentored SrA on PME; restored Amn's reenlistment eligibility--unit's msn-essential personnel retention ensured - Managed CDC/PME program in deployed location; provided requirements/ guidance--ensurd100% compliance, - Managed FLT trng prgm;organiz d/train d 62 prsnl --prepar d AEW f/contingency resp/mitigat d AEW shortfall - Calm under pressure; responded to a volatile domestic dispute--quickly diffused situation and restored order, - CATM instructor, personally engaged in training over 50 operators in 13 different weapon systems Volunteer EPR Bullets. - Reported catastrophic failure during Hurricane; swift notifications/actions prevented injury/loss to vital assets - Bested prof-development; completed 86 hrs Crse 14 & 12x AF E-Learning crses--guided 9x wing/7 sq exec spt teams - Contributed to 50+ TASS assessments; zero deficiencies-- security of assests never in question/threat mitigated 8C000 Airman & Family Readiness NCO.
Brigham And Women's Foxborough Lab Hours, Carrot Software Engineer, Jaxon Smith Njigba Stats, Ryen Russillo Cari Champion, Fishing Goose Bay, Labrador, Articles S