The Domestic Violence Intake unit provides assistance to those affected by domestic, repeat, sexual, dating, and stalking violence who are in need of obtaining an injunction for protection. It is intended to protect the victim of the abuse and keep her safe in the future. Find a lawyer near you. The exact duration will be indicated in the order. JUSTICE CENTER: TYPES OF RESTRAINING ORDERS ACCEPTED FOR FILING: VENUE: (File your case at the Justice Center where the person you want restrained lives or harassment / abuse took place) Lamoreaux Justice Center. When filing for an injunction in Florida, petitioners often choose the wrong lawyer or choose to file their petition without professional help. Specific locations where abuse or threats occurred. As new forms are available they will be posted on the 17th Judicial Circuit Court website. For a petitioner to qualify for a dating violence injunction, they must have been in a romantic relationship with the respondent within the past six months. My reservations were quickly eased during my initial consultation. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. There is no fee necessary to file a restraining order, but you will have to provide a photo ID. Note that if you need to file a document after 2 p.m., you must do so at the Broward County Central Courthouse. Fill Out Your Court Forms and Prepare to File STEP 2. We provide holistic legal services to victims of eligible non-intimate partner crimes such as: *Note: because of Covid-19 our offices are closed for walk-ins, please call 954.736.2418 for assistance. Court Locations to Request Restraining Orders. Regardless of whether you agree with the type or terms of the restraining order, violating a restraining order can result in an arrest and additional criminal charges. For filings in the Probate/Mental Health division, attach unsigned proposed orders to the motion. If you are under 18, you can go to your local court's Self Help Center for help. Easily File a Restraining Order in Texas Without a Lawyer, How to File a Restraining Order in California, File a Restraining Order In San Jose In Less Than 3 Minutes, What to Say In Court for a Restraining Order. Once all information has been verified, scroll to the bottom of the window and click Confirm and Submit all Now to resubmit your revised filing. Broward County Central Courthouse. All others must file their own petition. If the respondent violates the restraining order, you should call law enforcement and report the incident. If youve been served with a restraining order, dont just assume your criminal defense lawyer will be able to assist you. You may contact the Women in Distress hotline for counseling and shelter at 954-761-1133, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The following is a list of some of the laws and rules that deal with domestic abuse and harassment in Minnesota. There are five types of injunctions for protection, which are defined as follows: Definition of violence: Any assault, aggravated assault, battery, aggravated battery, sexual assault, sexual battery, stalking, aggravated stalking, kidnapping, or false imprisonment, or any criminal offense resulting in physical injury . With a restraining order, you can have peace, knowing that you are legally protected from the abuser. Attachments must be included as one document and not uploaded separately. Services Coordinator, Broward County Library at phone 954-357-6230 fax 954-357-6257 or The clerk will not send proposed orders to the judge. Protective injunctions in the state of Florida are also known as orders for protection or restraining orders. Rules & Laws If you are representing yourself in a domestic abuse or harassment case, you must follow the same laws and rules as a lawyer. The courts will set a hearing within the 15-day period to determine whether or not the injunction should be made permanent. Under the Domestic Violence Prevention Act, abuse is defined as any of the following: Intentionally or recklessly causing or attempting to cause bodily injury. DoNotPay will compile for you the forms you need to fill out and give you detailed instructions for how to file for a restraining order in your jurisdiction. It is important that you contact the office of Attorney Grant Schwarz for a free consultation. The Clerk of Court staff is not able to provide assistance with ePortal related issues and inquiries. Injunctions are commonly referred to as "restraining orders". The court schedules a hearing to give all sides an opportunity to appear and be heard. In general, to have a protection order modified or dismissed, the person who wants the modification or dismissal must file a written motion with the court in the county where the order of protection was issued. Restraining orders are most commonly used in situations such as domestic violence, stalking, and abuse. If you or someone you know is subject to a protective order, or is in a violent . If the court does not deny the restraining order, a typical order lasts anywhere from three to five years. All restraining orders are intended to protect abuse victims, but not all orders to protect abuse victims are called restraining orders; orders of protection in Florida are termed injunctions. This is punishable by up to a year in county jail and $1,000 in fines. Broward County 6400 N. Andrews Ave Suite 120 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309. Please refer to the 17th Judicial Circuit Administrative Order Establishing Electronic Filing Procedure for more information. Once I reached out to Matt he was back in touch within the hour. Mathew did an amazing job in court. Park in well-lit areas. Besides helping you know when to file for a restraining order, the robot lawyer also lets you learn how to get a restraining order. Note: If your filing required payment originally or additional fees were added, you will have to resubmit your payment. During this period, the court sets a hearing date for a final injunction. You might need a restraining order if an individual harasses you in any way or intentionally threatens to harm your family or destroy your property. If the filing is pended, the filer is required to submit corrections within 5 days. You can file for an injunction against repeat violence if someone has been violent toward you, or stalked you or someone in your family at least two times. Restraining order 20-10, and we came up view calendar nothing for staff dating app to improve. On confidential cases, no case style or parties will display. Florida Courts eFiling Portal Support Desk at 850-577-4609. What about the Notice of Confidential Information? The court recommends that you arrive as early as possible since the injunction process can take longer than you might think. You need to ask the clerk at the courthouse for a request form for the type of restraining order you wish to file. Repeat Violence means two incidents of violence or stalking committed by the respondent, one of which must have been within six months of the filing of the petition, which are directed against the petitioner or the petitioner's immediate family member(s) that is a minor. Sit back and relax while we do the work. These types of orders prohibit the abuser, usually in domestic violence or battery cases, from coming near the victim. For an injunction for protection against stalking/cyberstalking, you don't need to have any particular relationship with the abuser. The Self Help Unit provides local and Florida Supreme Court approved Family Law Forms for a fee to those who choose to represent themselves or cannot afford an attorney. Any victim of abuse has the right to file an injunction against their alleged abuser. How to file, how a Florida court decides cases, and impact on divorce and custody. However, many types of injunctions have nothing to do with criminal law. Either the judge does not believe there is enough reason to extend the injunction, or the petitioner has decided its no longer needed. How Does a Restraining Order Work and How to File? You can apply for different types of injunctions in Florida, depending on the circumstances of the case. The Clerk will not send proposed orders to the judge. Broward Legal Directory is a free resource for anyone wanting information about legal issues in Broward County, Florida. Also the E-Portal is not set up to allow proposed orders to be filed with the clerks office for Traffic and Misdemeanor. How long will it take to file the petition? Additional information can be found on the Broward Clerk's website Quick Links. Choose the appropriate Document Group type from the dropdown list and then choose the appropriate Document Type for that group. Trim all trees and shrubbery for an unobstructed view of the property surrounding the home. As the victim of domestic violence in Broward County, you may choose to file restraining orders or protective orders. There is also an option to request a fee waiver on the Portal payment screen. It is a legal document issued by the court that stops a person from coming within a certain distance from you. Its simply a document stating that you can be arrested for violating its terms. When your safety or that of your family is at stake, it is important to have the attorney guiding you and fighting for you. You may file a Sexual Violence restraining order if any one of the following has occurred: In addition, you must have reported the incident to law enforcement and be cooperating in any criminal proceedings or the Respondent must have been sentenced to prison and the term expired or is due to expire within 90 days. If a filing requires resubmission, remarks will be shown in My Alerts and My Submissions within the portal and an email notification will be sent to your email address. The attorney should contact the department with the filing reference number to expedite the filing due to the emergency nature of the filing. A TRO usually expires within a few weeks because it is intended to last until a hearing can take place. One of the most common threats faced after ending a violent relationship is stalking. Learn how to reschedule a court date if you need more time to serve the other party or to respond to a restraining order or to hire an attorney. Juvenile Dependency and Adoptions - Effective 01/06/2014, E-Filing is mandated for attorneys. previously closed by local emergency orders, have been reopened.Local jurisdictions retain some rights to impose guidelines and restrictions. An attorney is not required in order to file for a restraining order. Parties must have never lived together, as defined under domestic violence. Restraining orders for the protection against stalking, repeat violence, sexual violence, and domestic violence Eligibility Broward County resident (or when crime occurred in Broward) Victim of a crime For case eligibility questions call 954.736.2418 Intake Aside from getting protection against stalkers or abusers with DoNotPay Restraining Orders, you can use our other products to help make your life easier. The use of Probate and Guardianship Smart Forms is required for certain filing types and the forms are provided by the 17th Judicial Circuit Court at A restraining order is a Court order against an individual that is intended to protect someone who is afraid of being hurt by a specific person or persons. While the process of getting a restraining order can be frustrating and time-consuming, you can get help from DoNotPay. If someone is abusing you, stalking or harassing you, a Florida injunction is likely available t0 help protect you. 657-622-5720 or 657-622-5756. Call 954-845-0505 NOW. It can also be applied in situations where the petitioner seeks a restraining order on behalf of a minor child living in the home. Our free broward county, 2014 humane society of the hope fair housing center serving broward county darting association is a safe bet. If the temporary injunction includes this provision, then a law enforcement officer will go home with you and make sure that person leaves the house. Justin was referred to me by a friend who had been represented by him and enthusiastically encouraged me to connect with him when I was wary of pursuing legal action. This protection is usually used in domestic violence cases, but it can also be used to combat dating violence and other types of sexual violence. Read More: How to Ask for an Injunction to Be Removed in Florida. All filings prior to this date will be available in paper format and can be viewed from the division service location in which the case is filed. Most judges are reluctant to limit any individuals freedom indefinitely. In many cases, the restraining order results from an alleged offense, like domestic battery, but thats not always the case. Ask people who have witnessed the abuse to come to the hearing and give testimony. Click on Self-Help, refer to Family Law forms. Current residence address of respondent, including telephone number. If youve been served with a domestic violence injunction or another type of restraining order, its vital you dont make matters worse for yourself by inadvertently or intentionally violating it. [The case type and 'reference number' must be included in the subject line.]. At Schwartzreich & Associates, P.A., attorney Eric Schwartzreich understands the toll an arrest can take on all that you have . How do I notify the court that my new case meets the criteria for filing in Complex Business & Tort divisions? If you wish to be represented by a lawyer, it is your responsibility to hire a lawyer. If you have a restraining order, keep it with you at all times. Under FSS 784.048, its a third-degree felony for the respondent of a restraining order to stalk the petitioner, punishable by up to five years in prison and $5,000 in fines. An injunction is a court order, also referred to as a restraining order, that directs a person not to have any contact with you. Getting a restraining order protects you from a stalker while also preventing them from causing physical or emotional harm. Fort Lauderdale personal injury & criminal defense law firm Weinstein Legal will aggressively defend your rights. Like other injunctions, this can be filed on behalf of a minor by a parent or guardian. This prevents them from inflicting physical or emotional harm on the complainant. Your attorney can help prevent you from offering information that can hurt any criminal cases pending against you. A Step-by-Step Guide to Filing a Restraining Order In RI, A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Restraining Orders In Los Angeles, What Are the Types of Restraining Orders and How to File, How to File Out-of-State Restraining Orders Fast, Request a Restraining Order in Colorado Without a Lawyer, File Restraining Orders in Kentucky in Less Than 5 Minutes, Get a Temporary Restraining Order in Texas Fast, How to Pay Your Houston Water Bills Online Hassle-Free, How to Remove My Case From The Internet Instantly, How to Recover Your Forgotten Workday Password Hassle-Free, How to Stay In Touch With Inmates at Clements Unit, Sending Money to an Inmate Has Never Been Easier, how much it costs to get a restraining order, what happens if a restraining order is violated.