Everything from the possibility of disappearing and reappearing, to the possibility of having strange new forms of communication. (Source: iStockphoto). was heavily criticised for being "a documentary aimed at the totally gullible". His 73 papers are mostly about supersymmetric GUTs and considered quite respectable, with a total of over 5000 citations, including 641 citations for one of them alone. I think of what Niels Bohr said to Wolfgang Pauli about theories that are "not crazy enough to be true." Moreover, assume that they want your money. A group of 3 Indian people claiming to be direct disciples of Maharishi Mahesh-Yogi visited our high school. Short Range Tests of Newtons Inverse-Square Law. "What the Bleep Do We Know," as it is referred to for convenience, is not a conventional documentary about quantum physics. Get ABC Sciences weekly newsletter Science Updates, The 'underground astronaut' in search of ancient bones, Voyager probes still signalling from the edge of the Solar System, Solar eclipses: Everything you need to know, Five ways your smartphone could help save lives, Chinese scientists use satellite to smash quantum entanglement record, Einstein's light bending theory directly observed in distant stars for first time, Third gravitational wave detection puts new spin on black holes. That matter is not solid, and electrons are able to pop in and out of existence without it being known where they disappear to. First, such claims rely on "hidden variables" susceptible to influence, he says. The comments focus primarily on a single theme: "We create our own reality." Has this experiment been replicated or verified? Study Guide", "Teaching physics mysteries versus pseudoscience", "Review: What The Bleep Do We Know!? And while I'm no quantum physicist, my yoga teacher a big fan of the movie was starting to sound like she was. If quantum physics baffled the late Dr. Feynman, one of its most brilliant explorers, then no one should feel embarrassed for failing to understand the subject. I am glad that someone else thought that that movie was a bunch of garbage. Everyone knows quantum mechanics is weird, so why not use that to justify it? What the Bleep Do We Know!? - Wikipedia Everyone said that you have to see this movie! So I did. What the bleep are they on about? Science Features (ABC Science) . The quantum world does pervade everything around us, but as Richard Feynman liked to say, "Scientific creativity is imagination in a straitjacket." There was some sort of plot involving a woman photographer (played by Marlee Matlin), who wanders around and has anxiety attacks. Moon landing conspiracy theories aren't true - here's how we know Everyone is still talking about the movie What the Bleep Do We Know!? PDF Hidden Messages In Water Interviews with scientists and authors, animated bits, and a storyline involving a deaf photographer are used in this docudrama to illustrate the link between quantum mechanics, neurobiology, human consciousness and day-to-day reality. It was the biggest bunch of garbage that I had ever seen. The sub-atomic particles that make up the atoms that make up the rock are there too." " " " !". But whenever one is dealing with highly speculative ideas that have no connection with experiment, theres a danger of becoming delusional and thinking that youre doing real science when youre not. Prominent if you go by citations that is. [5], According to the makers of the film, "Bleep" is an expurgation of "fuck". ft. indoor riding arena once used for horse training which was refurbished and floored . You may or may not believe that there's an external reality beyond what your brain creates; the topic will be a perennial and fertile source of discussion. Who believe, in all kinds of things(God maybe?). In addition, the film mentioned clipper ships which were not even in existence at that time. Bleep was conceived and its production funded by William Arntz, who co-directed the film along with Betsy Chasse and Mark Vicente; all three were students of Ramtha's School of Enlightenment. (It's all to do with photons of light from your measuring instrument hitting the poor electron and knocking it for six). They are relevant because of the deliberateness on the part of the film makers to keep certain facts unknown (ironically, it is I making the unknown know) and misrepresent others. William Arntz has referred to the film as "WTFDWK" in a message to the film's street team. It was amusing when John Hagelin tried to run for US president representing the Natural Law party during the 1990s. "The theory can't predict with precision what will happen, but it knows everything that can happen and it will tell you the probability of all these things happening.". Those are two places where the quantum world leaks into the classical world. Particles embracing all possible states until they are forced by an experiment to assume one state, one particle being in two adjacent places simultaneously, the inability to precisely measure a particle's position and momentum at the same time - these are just a few of the weird manifestations of quantum physics. Water beamed messages of love or gratitude formed itself into lovely snowflake-like crystals; water exposed to the words "You make me sick" looks like the surface of a toxic waste pond. Seven Times Planet TV Studios Went Way Too Far: ReportWire.org info@planettvstudios.com nicholas@planettvstudios.com Eric@planettvstudios.com Julie@planettvstudios.com Website YouTube Channel Facebook Twitter Instagram Planet TV Studios LHTV LLC The fact that someone who spouts such utter nonsense can get a Ph.D. from Harvard and be one of the most widely cited authors on supersymmetric models is pretty remarkable. VISiT http://docsubtitles.blogspot.comsubscribe to watch full moviecheck also short trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJOrsql3KwU Unfortunately hes written no papers after 1995, see, http://www.slac.stanford.edu/spires/find/hep/www?rawcmd=find+a+hagelin&FORMAT=WWW&SEQUENCE=. (Physicists should take part of the blame for this confusion. Z. Knight and her pet dead guy Ramtha. Down the Rabbit Hole - Quantum Edition multi-disc DVD set was released, containing two extended versions of What the Bleep Do We Know! " " what the bleep do we know ( 2 ) Full HD 2 . The web makes all such things available today, so I can give you a Google link to a page about Maharishis unified field theory, http://www.worldpeaceendowment.org/invincibility/invincibility6.html. I was really impressed and although it sounded totally crazy, the Einsteinian language that their brochures were using had nearly convinced me that they really know something about fundamental physics. This is the person who teaches the brain science in RSE. Ramtha - JZ Knight - The Skeptic's Dictionary - Skepdic.com "Particles appear and disappear where do they go when they're not here? I started out thinking that BLEEP 2 would be a ground-breaking update covering ideas and discoveries in quantum physics, brain neurology and consciousness studies introduced over a decade ago. With Alejandro Jodorowsky, Horacio Salinas, Zamira Saunders, Juan Ferrara. A moderately low-budget independent film, it was promoted using viral marketing methods and opened in art-house theaters in the western United States, winning several independent film awards before being picked up by a major distributor and eventually grossing over $10 million. And you'd do the study without knowing what had been 'said' to the water specimens, so your subjective opinions wouldn't colour the results. Some movies are so bad, they're funny. About. The reason you should be suspicious is because we don't even understand classical consciousness. Krauss discussed his criteria ln our interview last week. Guess that could not have been done to easily in the Catholic church. What The Bleep Do We Know? Review | Movie - Empire log out. Watch What The Bleep Do We Know?! | Prime Video - amazon.com . 16 Quotes From the Movies ideas - Pinterest It went on to say that "Most laypeople cannot tell where the quantum physics ends and the quantum nonsense begins, and many are susceptible to being misguided," and that "a physics student may be unable to convincingly confront unjustified extrapolations of quantum mechanics," a shortcoming which the authors attribute to the current teaching of quantum mechanics, in which "we tacitly deny the mysteries physics has encountered". "Your mind can't tell the difference between what it sees and what it remembers" Dr Joseph Dispenza (Chiropractor ) in What the Bleep Do We Know? Featured individuals [ edit] The film features interview segments of: Some ideas discussed in the film are: In the narrative segments of the film, Marlee Matlin portrays Amanda, a photographer who plays the role of everywoman as she experiences her life from startlingly new and different perspectives. 1. So far, so good. 3. And any Cognitive Behavioural Therapist can help us to change the way we see things by changing our thought patterns. And wait-the human body is mostly water! And if you really want to be friendly, ask me about "The Case forPluto.". (I haven't). Dr. Jeffrey Satinover (psychiatrist, PhD candidate in physics), in What the Bleep Do We Know? Never mind that the movie didnt even have a plot. the film What The Bleep Do We Know It was an information that really left me speechless and I ordered his books at once techhose.d-webhost.orphans.co.uk 2 / 11. Even though there's lots of proof that the Moon landing happened, some people don't . You'll even applaud the wedding Polka scene there's just not enough Eastern European folk culture in contemporary film. Some argue that the same quantum processes seen in the universe around us have an effect on consciousness as well, but physicist Lawrence Krauss says that's highly debatable. Q: Some scientists, such as Sir Roger Penrose, have talked about neurons as quantum systems. Professor Clive Greated wrote that "thinking on neurology and addiction are covered in some detail but, unfortunately, early references in the film to quantum physics are not followed through, leading to a confused message". You might think that meant there were 18% fewer violent crimes than in the previous year, but the decrease was actually relative to his predicted increase based on some fancy statistical footwork. Do We Know!?) What the Bleep Do We Know!? (Refugees in Sudan or people in Baghdad would have an even tougher time accepting the film's premise.). His list of "worst abusers" includes inspirational author Deepak Chopra, the best-selling book "The Secret" and the whole field of Transcendental Meditation. subscription yet. DO WE KNOW? Puppymonkeybaby proves Rubio talking point Obama is destroying This has led to accusations, both formal and informal, directed towards the film's proponents, of spamming online message boards and forums with many thinly veiled promotional posts. (stylized as What t #$*! [6], The Institute of Noetic Sciences, a New Age research organization that "explores phenomena that do not necessarily fit conventional scientific models", has supported What the Bleep Do We Know!? ?, with over 15 hours of material on three double-sided DVDs. Isnt that a bit like attacking algebra because of Serge Langs nutty ideas about HIV and AIDS? She does play a large role in the movie and you can read all about her nonsense here. A roommate of mine was interested in TM and I think it was he who introduced us. Seven Times Planet TV Studios Went Way Too Far - Rendicin de Cuentas As the sample size grows, so does the scientist's confidence in the statistical inferences drawn from the large sample. Its true that Hagelin stopped doing physics in the mid-nineties to concentrate on his other nonsense, but I can vouch for the fact that as early as 1978-9 he was heavily involved in TM and thought it had a lot to do with QFT. It's more like a collision in the editing room between talking heads, an impenetrable human parable and a hallucinogenic animated cartoon. What The Bleep Do We Know? - Home - Facebook ft. house now used as offices), the Great Hall (a converted 15,375 sq. Of Hagelins thousands of citations, how many are from the Ellis/Nanopoulous et al paper mill? 8. Gifted and talented kids: how do you nurture a curious mind. So when you hear about quantum mechanics and devices, you can say, "OK, that sounds reasonable." Answer (1 of 6): Although not being as well educated in the area as Professor Wacker, I think it's overly simplistic to suggest the subjects raised in the movie to be either factual or "almost completely mumbo-jumbo". Unfortunately, it also completely misunderstands it. so much for no good or bad, that is unless it is convienent. The sub-atomic particles that make up the atoms that make up the rock are there too. If he says hes being misrepresented, I quite believe him. He claims the drop was achieved. At the end of this article, Dr Simons invites readers to explore the limitations of their own brains. Around 650 million people watched the moment on television. Regular indicators of violent crime told a different story the number of murders actually went up. The quantum mechanical correlations, the spooky action at a distance that quantum mechanics brings up, is true only for very specially prepared systems that are isolated from the rest of the world, completely. We will write a custom Essay on Philosophy Meaning of Arntz's Movie "What the Bleep Do We Know" specifically for you. [9] In his review, Dave Kehr of The New York Times described the "transition from quantum mechanics to cognitive therapy" as "plausible", but stated also that "the subsequent leapfrom cognitive therapy into large, hazy spiritual beliefsisn't as effectively executed. But they add that the film shows quantum mysteries selectively to shore up metaphysical points. Producing, scripting, and co-directing the film, What the BLEEP went on to become a global phenomenon, with well over 100 million viewers experiencing the BLEEP. Both are indeed mysterious, and their genuine mystery needs none of the hype with which this film relentlessly and noisily belabours us", concluding that the film is "tosh". He says he is "profoundly unsympathetic to attempts at linking quantum mechanics with consciousness".[1]. Hope you dont mind me butting in, just thought you might like to see these facts which are so far undisputed about the film. The observer can't be ignored." Use this form to email 'What the bleep are they on about?' The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle argues that its impossible to track the momentum and position of a subatomic particle. Amit Gotswami What the Bleep Do We Know!? | Bleep 2 - The Prodigal Movie If it were manifest, you could run at a wall a lot of times, and every now and then you'd spontaneously appear on the other side of the wall. What the #$*! Do We Know!? (Film) - TV Tropes Well, people are able to undergo various transformations. Doesn't the quantum world pervade everything that we see around us? This website uses cookies to "[10], What the Bleep Do We Know!? What the Bleep Do We Know postulates the existence of a spiritual connection between the realms of quantum physics and consciousness, demonstrating this through inspiring visual effects, story-telling and interviews with experts. Free delivery for many products. It sounds reasonable, and familiar. On August 1, 2006 What the Bleep! BBC - Movies - review - What The Bleep Do We Know!? DVD "What the Bleep Do We Know," a pseudoscientific docudrama that purports to link quantum mechanics and consciousness, would be a riot if people didn't take it so seriously. Her perceptions of reality are challenged and she begins to realise how the material world is impacted by the consciousness of individuals and groups. What could be worse than being aware of every tiny detail that your brain handles from phosphate levels to heart rate and hair growth. To the blessed memory of all ISHEAGU Indigenes (Anioma) slain by the Nigerian Army on 2ND MAY 1968. It's recognized as pedagogical exaggeration. For starters you'd have to take a lot of samples from different parts of each ice specimen. She works as a free-lancer for an agency, where her boss is played by Barry Newman. Even so it notched up $10m in. Simon Singh called it pseudoscience and said the suggestion "that if observing water changes its molecular structure, and if we are 90% water, then by observing ourselves we can change at a fundamental level via the laws of quantum physics" was "ridiculous balderdash". Wertheim continues that the film "abandons itself entirely to the ecstasies of quantum mysticism, finding in this aleatory description of nature the key to spiritual transformation. In reality, science is completely incidental to the film's conclusions. With Marlee Matlin, Elaine Hendrix, Barry Newman, Armin Shimerman. Once anything goes, you can have anything you want. [1], In mid-2005, the filmmakers worked with HCI Books to expand on the film's themes in a book titled What the Bleep Do We Know! Thanks to Pylon Sentinel for pointing this out.A link to his Wikipedia page is here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Alan_Wolf However, it contends that the empty space is not that empty, it is only the human mind that is unable to see beyond the emptiness. Dr Joe Dispenza and Miceal Ledwith are both long time students and appointed teachers at Ramthas school of enlightenment (RSE). Our mind has enormous potential, but we only use a small part of it for conscious thought, and we miss a lot of what's going on around us so, in a leap of creatively edited logic 3. The film's central point--that reality is a construct of our own brains--seems rife with intriguing cinematic possibilities. On the other hand, one finds 3+1, or more concretely inverse square law, to be mathematically peculiar when it refers to gravity, ie when mass is the source of the force. We're not using either superconductivity or superfluidity yet on the scale that I think people thought we might. The brain processes 400 billion bits of information a second but we're only aware of 2000 of these but our awareness of those 2000 bits of information are just about the environment, our body and about time. You can't bring good things to you by thinking about them. During our current Covid19 pandemic, this collection is highly relevant to a world still seeking novel answers to the human condition and also drawn to old theories long ago debunked. To some extent it could be, because memories and thoughts are stored at the molecular level, and at a molecular level quantum mechanics is significant. FILM IN REVIEW; 'What the Bleep Do We Know?' She's averse to churches (she married her husband in one, so they must be bad! That's one of the very strange properties of quantum mechanics. 2) "What the Bleep Do We Know" has sure got a lot of people talking and thinking. Your session to The Christian Our mind has enormous potential, but we only use a small part of it for conscious thought, and we miss a lot of what's going on around us. People tend to believe that the fact that a certain kind of research is pursued by sizable numbers of people with very good credentials is enough to mean it must be good research. But when animated, jive-talkin' human cells start dancing around in what appears to be the heroine's frontal lobe, all questions of spirituality pale before the sheer dreadfulness of this movie. And if you're a modern thinker you'll know for a fact that quantum physics is wacky stuff. ?, with over 15 hours of material on three double-sided DVDs. A: Absolutely.
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